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Ella's POV:

"Wyatt!" All the boys just stared at me. "What?" I dragged out the 't'. "Did you get that from your mum or dad?" Brooklyn asked me. "Dad, that's the only thing i have to remind me of him. He left my mum when she found out she was having me which is why she blames me for him leaving. How come your asking me all these questions about my last name anyways?" "Brookie, i think you have a sister!" Andy said laughing at the end.

"Ella, can i talk to you outside please?" He asked kinda annoyed. "Sure!" We went out the flat onto the landing. "What does Andy mean 'think you have a sister'?" I asked. "You said your dad left when he found out about you, right? Well my dad left my mum when i was two but i don't know why." Brook said.

"Loads of parents split up when kids are young, doesn't mean that makes us siblings!" I laughed slightly at the end. "Yeah, but we have the same last name, both from our fathers side. Whats your mums name?" "Lisa." I sighed. If brook was my brother, why wasn't i told about him? "My birth mums name was Lisa. Ella, this all fits! I honestly believe we're siblings. There's a large chance." "Why don't you ask your dad? Its an easy way to find out!" "Oh yeah, that will be an easy conversation! Hey dad! Hope you're well, just wondering if i have a sibling i wasn't told about!" He said sarcastically. I just glared at him. "Ill do it now." He said entering the flat again.

After a long wait (about ten minutes) Brooklyn's dad replied.
'Brook, how did you find out? I wasn't planning on telling you but yes. You have a sister, and her name is Ella. I left with you when i found out your mum was having her. Im sorry i didn't tell you sooner. Speak to you soon x'

"Guess we're siblings then!" Brook said smiling at me. I didn't respond just jumped into his arms. "I love you big brother!" "I love you too little sister! I promise ill never leave you and ill always be here for you!" He said. Guess i finally have someone to talk too. Now i just need to confront my mum. About everything.

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