Ten Years Later

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Ella's POV:

"Nella, hurry up! Im getting married in thirty minutes and the kids arent ready yet! Leave your makeup for now! Help me get the kids ready!" I shouted. Today's the big day! Jack and i are finally getting married after what seems like forever. Lily and Skylar are our gorgeous twin girls and they're also our bridesmaids. They're only 7 but i couldn't be happier. "Im coming!" Nella said leaving the bathroom and helping me get the girls ready.

Just after Jack came out of hospital, i decided to go back down to Brighton for a few days. Whilst i was there, i bumped into Nella again and we decided to keep in contact more. She told me she'd moved to London which meant she was really close so we could meet up every week.

"Ella, this is the last five minutes of you being Miss Wyatt! Im so excited! I cant believe its finally happening!" Nella excitedly shouted.

The gentle sound of the piano started to play as i made my way down the isle. It was finally happening. Jack was waiting at the end for me; looking extremely handsome in his suit. I finally got to the end and the wedding officially started.

"Jack, do you take Ella to be your wife?" "I do." Jack replied. "Ella, do you take Jack to be your husband?" "I do." I smiled. "You may now kiss the bride." Jack placed his hands on my waist and our lips soon met causing everyone there to cheer. "I love you Mrs Ella Duff!" Jack whispered in my ear. "I love you too Mr Jack Duff!" I whispered back.

At 15:00 it was time for the speeches. The best men's speeches were first and Andy, Rye, Brook and Mikey all had some embarrassing stories to say about Jack and I. They were cute but embarrassing. Then it got to Jacks speech.

"I'd like to thank everyone for coming to witness me and Ella get married. Almost 11 years ago, Andy added the wrong number to our group chat. If Andy hadn't of done that i would never have met the love of my life at the Christmas show in Brighton and we wouldn't have two beautiful girls and another baby on the way. We've had our ups and downs but they seem so stupid looking at them now. You're mum would be so proud of you Ella, im sure of it." Jack held my hand as he knew talking about my mum would spark my emotions. "You make me smile everyday and you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, apart from out two angels. I cant wait to spend the rest of out lives together and see what the future holds for us. I love you so much Ella Duff."

That was so sweet. Jack sat down and the rest of the boys looked at us. "What?" Jack said dragging out the 'T'. "You're having another baby? And you didn't think to tell us?" Rye said. "Wait, im gonna be an aunt again?" Brooklyn says. I roll my eyes at his dumb comment. "Yes, we're having another baby and yes brook, you're gonna be an aunt again!" Jack says with a cute laugh at the end. "Unless they have a boy, cuz then you'd be an uncle brook!" Mikey says sarcastically. We all laugh at his stupid comment.

Its times like this I am so thankful that Andy added me to the group chat. This all happened all because of the wrong number!

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