Twenty Five

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(A/N: Im skipping all of their christmas' because im too lazy and it would be boring af so if you dont like it then sorryyyy!)

Ella's pov:

We're going home today which means mums funeral is tomorrow. Not many people are gonna be there but ive invited some of her friends. Its been fun finally spending time with my dad. We've learned so much about each other. And Sarah is so lovely. Its a shame to be leaving so soon but hopefully ill come back. Dad is coming to mums funeral tomorrow. Charlotte and Tyler are so cute too and i think Charlotte has really enjoyed me being there because she's had someone sort of her age to talk too.

I woke up around 8am. I went into Brooklyn's room to make sure he was awake but he wasn't so decided to jump on his bed. "Brook you need to get up! Rye's picking us up in an hour an' half!" i shouted as continued to jump on his bed. I heard him make a weird noise so i jumped off his bed and went into the room i was staying in to get ready.

I didn't put any makeup on because i couldn't be bothered too. I shoved my hair into a pony tail and made sure my bag was ready. "Brook, are you getting ready?" I shouted as i finished packing my bag. "Yeah!" i heard him reply. I went down stairs because i decided to make everyone breakfast before we left so i could say thank you. I decided pancakes would be the easiest thing to make plus they are the only things i know how to make so i found all the ingredients and started to make them.

Just as i started to plate up, everyone came down the stairs. "What's this for?" Sarah asked with a smile. "I wanted to say thank you for letting me stay here and looking after me. " I replied returning the smile. "Aww, sweet heart you didn't have too. You're my daughter, I'm supposed to look after you. I haven't been apart of your life but i promise ill make it up to you!" My dad said getting involved. I gave him a hug and we all sat down to eat.

9:30 soon came around and it was time for us to go back to the flat. Rye and Mikey picked us up and we headed to the flat. I'm gonna start looking for my own place soon because as much as i love living with the boys it gets extremely cramped some times. When we got to the flat it was around 11ish. Jacks plane didn't land till 3pm so we had some time to kill before he got back. Andy was already there and so was Blair and Ginger. "Hey! I've missed you all so much! Well apart from Mikey!" Andy joked. We all started laughing but Mikey didn't find it that funny as he just stood there. Rye went and stood next to him and started tickling him and he started to laugh. 

We all started to unpack and we must have lost track of time because at 15:25, Ryes phone rang. It was Jack. He was at the airport waiting for someone to pick him up. "Guys, we forgot about the Irish one!" Rye chuckled. "Who's coming to get him with me?" "I am!" I replied grabbing a jumper. "Of course you are! Anyone else?" "Naa, we'll stay here and tidy up a bit!" Andy said.

Me and Rye got in the car. The ride was awkward so i put the radio on. When we got to the airport Jack was waiting outside. I rushed out the car and jumped into his arms. "Jack! I've missed you so much!" I said kissing him. Rye looked at us and looked upset. He grabbed Jacks bags and put them in the car. "Hey man! I've missed you!" Jack said to Rye. "Missed you too buddy!" They hugged each other and we got back into the car and went back to the flat.

"Duff man!" Andy said as we walked into the house! "Hey Fovvs! Did you all have a good Christmas?" Jack asked. "Yeah it was great!"

We talked about are Christmas for  while until Rye changed the subject. "Can we go nandos? Im starving!" Rye asked. "You guys can! Im so tired!" Jack said. "Yeah. Im tired too! I think ill stay with Jack." I replied.

"Okay, don't be too loud and no sex on the couch!" Rye laughed as they left. "You heard what they said! 'No sex on the couch'. Doesn't mean we cant do it at all." Jack said smirking at me. Jack pulled me onto his lap and started kissing down my neck. "Jack." I moaned. "Jack stop" I pushed him away. I looked down. "Ella, are you okay?" He lifted my head up and looked my directly in the eyes. "I-I cant do it Jack. Im sorry." "Hey, its okay. Im not gonna pressure you into doing anything you're not ready for or don't want to do." He said kissing my forehead. "I love you Jack Duff!" I said. "I love you too Ella Wyatt!"

"Ella, can i ask you something?" "Yeah of course!" I replied. "When are we gonna tell the fans?" I froze at the thought of everyone knowing but they're gonna find out sooner or later. "Now?" I said raising my eyebrow. "Are you sure?" I nodded.

He took his phone out and went on twitter:

'Hey guys. I need to tell you that im in a relationship with my gorgeous girlfriend Ella! She means the world to me and I know if your a true roadie you will support us! I love you roadies - Jack 🍀 xx'

The fans took the news surprisingly well. Most comments were happy but there were a few negative ones. But what can you expect. Lifes not always as simple as it seems.

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