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Ella's POV:

I woke up and immediately grabbed my phone. 9:37am. I had about an hour till i had to meet the boys. I had a message from an unknown number so decided to find out who it was.

Unknown: Hey slag! Its Brittany. I know about your mum and her little secret. Looks like it wont be secret for much longer though...

What? How'd she find out? She cant tell people! I typed a reply faster than ever before!

Me: what do you mean? What secret?

I was worried. If she found out that my mum was an alcoholic then that would change everything. School life. Home life. My life. No one knows. They only other family i have lives in America and we barely talk. She's mums sister. They were never close growing up. I haven't seen her for so long, probably since i was a baby.

I soon got a reply.

Brittany: don't act dumb sweety, she's an alcoholic! Cant wait to tell everyone at school

Me: you cant tell anyone! We arent even at school anymore!

Brittany: doesn't mean i cant tell anyone!

Me: please don't, how did you even find out?

Brittany: i was walking home and so was she! Well she staggered home 😂 she was so drunk! she was so funny!

She wouldn't tell people would she? Yes. She would! She's such a bitch! Of course she would. I looked at my phone 10:02, i needed to start getting ready!

Jacks POV:

I woke up at 9:47am. Me and the boys are gonna go meet Ella later. Hopefully we'll get some alone time. Just so we can talk! I was sharing a room with Rye and surprisingly, i was awake before him so i thought id prank him back since he pranked me whilst i sleep all the time!

Weirdly, Rye was sleeping with his hand out so i went to the bathroom and got the shaving foam. I put some on his hand and tickled his nose with a feather i found in one of the fan gifts. He soon reacted and rubbed his face with his hand, smudging shaving foam all over it!

"Jack! What was that for?" Rye said laughing but deep down, i could tell he was mad. "For all the times you prank me whilst i sleep!" He rolled his eyes and went back to sleep. "Hey! We gotta get up! We're meeting Ella later!" I said waking him up again. "Someone excited to see her!" Rye said. I looked down at the floor and blushed. Rye got up and left to check to see if the rest of the guys were awake. I had a quick shower and got changed. I wanted to make an effort but not to much. I put a shirt on and a pair of Jeans like always. Rye came back and got ready. We met the boys downstairs and headed to the pier.

Ella's POV:

Its 10:43 am. I grabbed my bag and jacket because it was cold and started walking to the pier. I was really excited to see them again. I got to the pier around 10:57am. The walk wasn't that far but it felt long because it was silent.

I pulled my phone out and texted Jack.

Me: Hey, where are you? Its kinda cold and i look like a loner 😂😙

Jack🍀: just around the corner xx

The hotel wasn't far from the pier. About three minutes. I soon saw a group of boys walking down the path. It was them. I got really nervous all of a sudden. I walked up to them and jack pulled me in for a hug straight away. "Hey! How are you?" I said. "Im grand, im grand, yourself?" Jack replied in his cute Irish accent. The rest of the boys said they were good and we stood there in silence till Brooklyn broke it. "Can we get food? Im starving!" "No change there then! You're always hungry!" Mikey said. We all laughed and i suggested Nandos since it was down the road.

All because of the wrong number || RTWhere stories live. Discover now