Thirty Two

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Jacks POV:

I couldnt believe it. I cant believe it. What? I had just gotten off the phone with Ella. She's just broken up with me. I felt my heart burst into a million pieces. It was only me and Rye in the flat; the rest of the boys had gone out. And so was i. "Im going out!" I said as my voice broke and i tried so hard to keep the tears back. I grabbed my jumper and left.

I didnt get far. Just to the park opposite the flat before i broke down. I couldnt keep it in any longer. Why? Why did she do it? My entire world had gone and i have no idea if she'll come back or if ill see her again. Maybe shes found someone else? Someone better than me! Thoughts raced round my head and i started to get dizzy. I sat down on the grass and just cried. And cried. And cried.

"Jack?" A familar voice said. It was Mikey. I didnt look up. Just nodded my head. "Jack, what happened? Have you been crying? What am i saying! Of course you've been crying!" Mikey said. He came and sat next to me, wrapping his arms around me in hopes of comforting me. "You're freezing! How long have you been out here?" He asked. "What time is it?" I managed to say. My throat was dryer than the Sahara desert. "20:47." Mikey replied looking at his watch. "I've been out here for two hours then." I said.

"What's happened Jack? You can tell me you know? I wont tell the boys. " I just looked up and caught eye contact with him. "Fine. Ella finally returned my call. I thought she was coming home and that she wasn't mad with me anymore," "Why was she mad at you?" Mikey interrupted. "We had a small argument the night before she went to LA. Anyway, it turns out its the complete opposite. She's staying in LA, doesn't know if she's ever coming back. And if that wasn't bad enough she's broken up with me because of it." 

"Jack, mate, I'm so sorry. Is there anything i can do to help?" Mikey asks. Unless he can get Ella to come home and be my girlfriend again then i dont think he can. I just shook my head. Mikey stood up and held his hand out for me to take it. But i don't. "Come on Jack. Its freezing out here, Please come back inside?" I give in and follow Mikey inside.

"There you are! Where have you been? Mate, are you alright?" Rye asked as we walked through the door. I didnt reply. Just went straight to my bed. If I told Rye what had happened I'd just start crying again. I dont know how I'm going to survive without Ella.

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