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"how have you been?" Yoongi sat down next to me on the table and crossed his legs, I was still open-mouthed to see him by my side, it was around 6 months ago that we didn't see each other, or maybe more.

"but ... hmm, how did you get here??" I could not speak more than that.

"When I accompanied you in a photoshoot 6 months ago, your manager thought I had the potential and called me to take some pictures, one thing led to another."

"But you didn't work with the boys?"

"I was jimin's assistant, now I can have my own career, but i'm still help him!"

"I understood ... that's nice!"

yoongi smiled at me, and suddenly I missed him so much. we were best friends, but with marriage, my daughter and career, I did not have much time to hang out and I ended up moving away from him.

"So this is it, you're going to work together" Cyntia said, interrupting my thoughts. "I have a meeting, I will leave you alone with yoongi."


we decided to have coffee and talk to catch up.

"and your girlfriend?" Yoongi's face turn sad.

"she betrayed me, so ... we broke up"

"I'm sorry!"

"It's okay, you didn't know"

I smiled at him and took his hand and stroked it.

"Sorry to be gone like this ..." i said and He returned the affection and smiled at me.

"no problems, I understand you are now super famous and a super mother, married, all at the same time."

"but I have to learn to handle every aspect of my life, including getting you all together to me, the boys are always so busy, I bet they don't talk to each other anymore!"

"Truth ... I see more jimin, but what you gonna do to bring them together? anyway, I'm in!"

"Okay" I said, smiling .

 so the afternoon followed with our nostalgic conversations.



I had just left a business meeting and was already dead, lately I've only been working, and having a daughter  it's a hard job, i missed when it was me and my wife just the two of us together.

I got the cell phone and I sent a message to her and to say that i miss her. hanging on the internet, I saw news of the two of us together, it was always weird and funny to see how people cared about stupid things like me and yuju going to the beach, or going to a restaurant.

"MR. Jungkook, call for your in Line 3" My Secretary announced.

"Ok, thanks!"

i answered the call and was yuju's mother, she does not sounds well.

"Ms. Jung?" I asked worried, she was never called me before.

"jungkook!" she sobbed. "I can not ... I can not tell yuju."


upon arriving home I was getting ready for the event that I would have in a few hours, according to cintia, I had to attend because it was my perfume that was being launched.

I chose a short, white dress, and I stuck my hair in a messy bun, did my makeup, and put on the perfume of my campaign I was to promoting.

I went to play with my daughter, laura

 she was a most beautiful thing in the world

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 she was a most beautiful thing in the world.  lately I miss being with her, I have passing lot of time out, and she is spending a lot of time with the nanny.

I heard the door of the house open and I knew it was jungkook, and together we came down to receive him.

"say hello to daddy?" I approached to give him a kiss.

"do you have to go out today?" he looked at me tense and firm, his eyes did not tell me much, but something was not right.

"yes i have, why?"

he shook his head.

"speak jungkook!"

"When you come back, we'll talk."

i prefer not to insist, I have to leave for my event, I give laura to him. He took her and kissed her forehead, laura adore her father, she is always smiling on his lap, it was a more beautiful scene, I always melt.

jungkook was always very serious, but when he was with me and with laura he showed a side that only we known, a sweet and innocent side.


on the event, everything I saw  was camera flashes, fans and paparazzi shouting my name, some models friends, but I couldn't stand that light in my face anymore.

"I'm going to stay another 10 minutes and I'm leaving" I said in Cyntia's ear.

"30 minutes" she said.

"20" I bargained.

"ok ok, deal."

and for another 20 minutes I gave my autograph, answered a few questions and took lots of pictures alongside the mark. i was already dead, my heels were killing me. after 20 minutes I got in the car that my manager contracted to pick me up and drive me home.

"i arrived in home, I went running to my bedroom, arriving there I see some made bags and jungkook with laura sleeping in his lap.

"what is it?"

"We need to travel!"

"what? why? no, I can't jungkook!"

"Come on yuju!"

"I can't jungkook!" I said irritably, I could not let go of my commitments out of nowhere.

He took a deep breath and put laura on our bed, he came up to me and looked me deep into my eyes.

"babe ... your father..."

"What about him?"


"he died!"

Living with Playboys 2|ENG version Where stories live. Discover now