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"then we can rely on these statistics to get a sense of the public who buys our products!" jimin said pointing to the papers that were scattered across the table.

"I agree! But we still have to see the location of the event there in Puerto Rico" I said.

"we can do it in one of your hotels, so it would have more visibility!" hoseok said.

"Okay, so that's all," namjoon said getting up from the table.

"Are you going to the prom tonight?" I asked.

"Sure, women, drinks, you can count on me." V smiled and the others agreed.

after everyone had left the meeting room I made my way to my own oficce to make some phone calls. I arranged a limo to take all of us to the ball, and I called my hotel reserving the rooms and telling them of the event we would have.

honestly I wasn't excited to take yuju close to her ex, but wit the trip we would have time just for the two of us, laura would stay with her grandparents, who from nowhere became very friendly, not that I thought it was bad.

Mark came into my room and pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Your wife is here, Mr. Jeon!" I asked him to release her entrance.

yuju was as beautiful as ever, wore a short black social dress and heels of the same color, and a blood red lipstick, her hair now is almostat on her waist, she was wonderful and she knew it.

she walked over to me and gave me a brief kiss on the lips, but not happy I pulled her back and kissed her with more strength and will.

"Wow ... someone is excited!" she said with a smile.

"I'm always excited to see you my angel!" I said taking her to sit on the couch. "How can I help you?"

"I just wanted to know if you really go with me today at the ball." I nodded. "And about Puerto Rico, it's all right?" she asked and I agreed again.

"Why are you quiet today?" she asked with mild concern.

"Nothing, I'm just admiring the woman I love." She smirked and got up to sit on my lap, she lowered her head until her lips touched my ear, making me shiver and moan softly.

"Hmm ... why do you do this to me?" I said.

"Because it's fun," she whispered in my ear.

"You know what else is fun?" I grabbed her waist tightly and she let out a sigh and i started kissing her neck. "to have you naked in my bed" i said 

"I liked the idea" she moaned.

"You're too bad yuju, I'm going to have to slap your ass" I lowered my hand and grabbed her butt tightly causing her to moan.

she stared at me and I kissed her, she bit my lip with desire, I knew she was as horny as I was, my cock was already hard under her, and knowing that she slowly rubbed herself against me.

"I need to talk to yoongi, is he here today?" she said.

I frowned and pushed my face away from her neck.

"Are you thinking of another man right now?"

"who knows?" she said and rose quickly from my lap.

I smiled and ran my hand through my hair, my dick marking my pants, yuju looked at that scene and bit her lip provoking me even more, I took a deep breath to control myself.

"Yes, he is in jimin's room!" I said.

"OK thank you!" she straightened her dress, winked at me, and walked out the door.

"She's definitely going to take some slaps in that ass."


"and that's why you can not leave me alone!" I finished telling my story with Lee to yoongi.

"What the fuck!" yoongi sat on the sofa in jimin's office, we were alone since jimin had left to sort out something.  "ok, I got it!" he said.

"Does Cynthia know about that?" he asked.

"no, and will not even know, please!" I asked and he nodded.

"All right baby, relax! Besides, I plan on drinking and you know how funny I get when I drink."

"Only you think you're  funny  yoongi!"

"Everybody laughs at my jokes," he said, interrupting me.

"No one laughs!"

my mother laughs

"No she doesn't laugh."

"It's true she does not laugh" he said with a sad puppy face, I smiled, yoongi was funny without drink, but he did not need to know that.

"Well I have to rehearse my speech, will you help me?" i asked.



I was finishing putting on the black bowtie, when yuju came out of the closet dressed in the dress that made her look elegant, she looked beautiful as ever.

"Stop drooling," she teased

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"Stop drooling," she teased.

"I can't. I bought you something" I said, picking up a small gift box, I opened it and had a pair of diamond earrings I bought for tonight.

"jungkook !!!" Yuju looked amazed and a bit shy, she did not like it that I gave her expensive gifts.

"You deserve it, today is your day" I smiled and she turned to the mirror and put on the earrings.

"It's beautiful," she smiled.

"You're beautiful, that just complements your beauty. so, let's go?" I asked, reaching for her hand.

"let's go!"

Living with Playboys 2|ENG version Where stories live. Discover now