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"Great job yuju!" the director shouted at me, closing the recordings. I had just recorded another commercial for another brand of jewelry.

I thanked him and went straight to my dressing room, got my cell phone and saw some messages from the boys.

"we should go back to hang out more ..." jimin sent

"I need to talk to you about a new job, I think you would be great, since you have already represented our brand!" hoseok said in the message.

After answering all the messages, I sat down in the chair and waited for the hairdressers to dismount me, taking off my makeup and straightening my hair, put on my clothes, tight jeans and a blue sweater.

I drove to my agency building, Cinthya said she needed to talk to me. I arrived in the huge and mirrored building, there worked models, actors and singers of all ages.

I went upstairs to the third floor and entered the cinthya's room, she hung up the phone as soon as she saw me and stood up to hug me.

"Gucci wants to campaign with you and laura!" she said referring to the connection she had just terminated.

"You know I do not like to involve my daughter in my work, much exposure for her!"

"I know, I know, but they're offering good money ..."

"It's still no!"

"Okay okay, it's not here anymore who spoke, but changing the subject." Cynthia sat down at the table as I sat down on the white couch in her living room.

"many opportunities showing up" she seemed very excited. "Your cousin called me and said they've closed a million dollar contract with a new brand of drink, and he wants you to be the model for their campaign."

"Ok ... for the family we do." I said, Cynthia looked happy, taking her tablet she started to talk about some more appointments, but my head was not there, I only thought the night before, jungkook was not well and that did not fit me.

"OK ?" you asked

"OK!" I agreed, trying to disguise my lack of attention.

"then you can prepare yourself because tomorrow you have your speech at Mr. Lee's gala dinner."

I closed my eyes realizing the stupidity I had made, again I was involved with that asshole. Cynthia explained to me that part of the money raised with our campaign would go to charity, and so the speech.

it seems like he was not such an asshole like that ... But one thing does not cancel another, he betrayed me when I was younger, and he was trying to get me back right now knowing that I'm married. I shook my head and agreed against my will with the speech.

I called jungkook at the exit of the building and told him about the dinner, and said that i would join their campaign, which made him happy.

when he hung up the phone my blood froze, lee appeared in front of me, he closed his expensive car, and came walking slowly toward me, his eyes devouring me, making me uncomfortable, I looked away.

"Ashamed of me, kitty?" he said, brushing my chin to look into my eyes.

I swallowed hard and slowly took his hand from my face, he smiled, that smile I used to love.

"you were not ashamed when I was naked, moaning my name on my bed!" he said into my ear.

my face became hot, my hands began to sweat, the images of the two of us on the bed arose in my mind, making me doubt my strength for a few seconds. but I scared off those thoughts.

"I'm not ashamed ... I'm sorry these are the only memories you'll have of me," I said, dodging him and starting to walk to my car.

"You know ... I'm so much better now!" I said, he grabbed my wrist and made me turn to face him.

"Let's build new ones then," he proposed.

I smiled and looked at the floor.

"Sorry ... but I only build intimate memory with my husband!" I made a point of emphasizing the word, I let go of his hand and turned to my car.


"so that's it" hoseok finished speaking the campaign details to me.

"ok ... so it looks like we're going to puerto rico!" I said, still thinking about the idea.

he smiled and gave me a hug. the door opened and we turned to see junkook standing in the doorway.

"Grabbing my Hoseok, woman?" jungkook said with a playful tone to me.

"yuck!" hoseok released me at once and shuddered, we had become closer what made us almost brothers, I smiled with his attitude and went against my husband giving a soft kiss to his lips.

"Hi," I said softly, his hands on my waist, he smiled at me and pressed his forehead against mine.

"Hi," he said, smiling, I knew he was thinking about the night we had, I could still feel him inside me.

"Again ... come on get a room" hoseok said.

soon after jimin, v, namjoon, jin, and yoongi entered the room talking distractedly.

"They told me you're going to work with us again." V spoke excitedly.

I nodded and smiled.

"Yes, our trips are always awesome!" Jimin said

"let's go!" Yoongi said excitedly.

"Next week guys!" jimin remembered. "Imagine how hot those models are in a bikini" he made a happy child's face.

I rolled my eyes like always, these guys do not change ...

"yeah ..." jungkook said. "looks like we're going to puerto rico"


Sorry for the boring chapter guys, i'm without my notebook so is hard to write. Happy 2018! Leave comments if you like the story, ok byeee

Living with Playboys 2|ENG version Where stories live. Discover now