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was still amazed at the giant limo that the jungkook had bought, he did not rent, he bought it.

"Answer me again why you bought a limo?"

"because I can!" he said with a smug grin on his face. as I loved that smile, he was so sure of himself sometimes I was even envious.

coming to the event, jungkook came down first from the limo, fans were yelling and waiting outside on the red carpet for him. it was a very famous ball going on annually, and I was incredibly nervous.

jungkook gave me his hand and helped me get out of the car, flashes everywhere, I was feeling dizzy, I held on to my husband, he put his hand on my back at the base of my spine and guided me in...

I was amazed, never been in such a place, it was huge, with an older decor, giant crystal chandeliers all over the hall, round tables with beautiful flower arrangements on top, a huge stage where an elegant orchestra played, where would I do My beneficent speech, my stomach twisted with nervousness.

Waiters ran everywhere, bringing drinks and snacks to the guests, the place was full, with many celebrities and politicians, and of course some rich people like my husband and his friends, they all looked very excited.

we saw our table where the boys were already waiting for us, all dressed up in tuxedos, one more handsome than the other, but no one barred my husband, the others had a funny look on their faces while jungkook looked tense and serious.

I did not understand why, so i followed his gaze when I saw Lee accompanied by a beautiful, tall Chinese woman with long hair and a confident look. he spotted us and came toward us, while I praying for this be a nightmare.

"hello yuju" he analyzed me from top to bottom, I saw his eyes with a look that I knew very well, it was desire. "jungkook," he said after a long pause and a more serious look to my husband.

"Hello lee." Jungkook replied dryly, felt his hand on my waist hold me tighter.

I could see that Lee's woman ignored me completely to drool over my husband who had not even noticed her presence, I was bothered by her face and rolled my eyes.

"You better go Lee" I said, staring at him.

he smiled arrogantly and pulled his companion closer.

"I'll see you on stage." He nodded and left.

I felt my husband's body relax a little, I turned to him and kissed him on the mouth, and felt that he was more relieved.

"My God, can't you guys separate a little?" hoseok said as I walked away from jungkook. "Come on, let's dance!" he took me to the dance room.

after many turns and waltz steps, me and hoseok returned to the table where dinner would begin to be served, but before ... my speech.

unfair, I want to eat and not talk ... well at least on an empty stomach I would not vomit on the stage. I said goodbye to the boys and went to the backstage, I was waiting on the stairs the band finishe the last song, when suddenly I feel a tug and I'm thrown against the wall.

the dark place behind the stage created a scary or romantic setting depending on the context, to me...  scary. when I realized it was lee holding me by my waist against his body, his face inches from mine.

"Good luck," he said and leaned over to kiss me, just in time I turned my face and his mouth caught my cheek, I pushed him and he smiled.

"Get off me, I'm a married woman!" I said with hatred. "I have a daughter lee, I'm not that girl you met."

"No, you are not, you're a woman now, woman I want back."

"You never had me, not really."

"I know you yuju, you loved me."

I smiled discrediting what I was hearing, what a ridiculous situation, I folded my arms in a defensive pose.

"You do not know me if you think I'm going to betray my husband, change my marriage, I know the weight of betrayal lee, you made sure I knew." I said angrily, my eyes stung at remembering his scene with my "best friend."

the music stopped and I was still breathing heavily, but it was not nervous, but angry. I turned to go upstairs when I heard him speak.

"This is not over, our story is not over, I can prove that I can be all you need!"

I turned slightly just enough to look at his face in the darkness.

"I already have everything I need, and my everything does not involve you in anything!"

Living with Playboys 2|ENG version Where stories live. Discover now