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after talking to the police and my lawyers, the investigators began the work of finding out who was behind the explosion.

honestly we all know who is behind this, but we have no way to prove, the person who did this service did very well, they saw one of the henchmen but he doesn't say anything.

"jungkook!" V yells at me in the lobby of the hotel, I turn around and see his urgency.

"What taehyung?"

"The henchman ... he was in prison!"

"Yes, and?..."

"and he was murdered"

I was shocked by the news, but deep down I already knew that some file burning would have to happen, our only source of finding out who did it, now it no longer existed.

"Thank you, but now we'll have to think about how to find the guilty"

"I agree, but it seems that the police don't have much to do, they should close the case."

"And the girls who were with you? How are they?" I asked.

"One of them got hurt but I'm paying for everything she needs"




I was taking a shower, after leaving the hospital I could only think of the accident, my body still trembled and I started to cry without realizing it, I crouched on the bathroom floor and started to cry.

my sobs ripped through my throat, they were almost like screams, I don't know what was happening, I could only cry.

the bathroom door opened and jungkook hurried in. he got into his underwear and enter on the shower, he sat next to me and hugged me tight.

"Shiii, it will be alright my love ..." he repeated against my ear.



I took yuju out of the shower, she had stopped crying but hadn't said anything. her silence killed me, I just wanted to protect her from all evil.

I got her to stand by the bed, grabbed a towel and dried her, part by part very slowly, giving all the attention she deserved, I sat her down on the bed while I went to get some clothes.

When I came back she was asleep, her eyes swollen from crying. I lay down beside her and stroked her hair, giving little kisses to her forehead.

"I promise Lee, I'll catch you even if it's the last thing I do in my life." I told myself.



"YOU ARE CRAZY????" I yelled at Lee. "You can't go out blasting boats and trying to murder people!" my voice was desperate.

"No? Then watch me!" he said with the greatest calm in the world.

Where did I get into? What do I do?

my hands were shaking, but I hid it in my pants pockets. Lee came up to me and caught my chin, forcing my face in his direction.

"Your problem my little sulji ... is that you are too weak!"

I swallowed hard.

"your problem lee ... is that you are too psycho."

he released my chin and laughed, he turned his back to me, but quickly he turned to me again slapping me in the face. the slap was so strong that I fell to the floor with my mouth bleeding.

a tear trickled down my cheek and went to the cut in my mouth, making it burn.

"You're pathetic, the only thing I want is yuju, and that's what I'm going to get!"

he left the room without looking back. and I fell to the floor feeling dizzy.



"I don't want to know, I want those two expelled from my hotel!"

"But sir, and the bad publicity?" the manager asked in a voice filled with fear.

I was so angry that I had broken half of my office at the hotel.

"I don't care the fucking publicity! Go do what I told you!"

"Yes sir."

"Logan!" my private security approached. "I want you to keep an eye on lee as they kick him out, if he gives any trouble, it can use force."

"Yes sir."



I left my room, I was feeling suffocated, so I went out for a walk. in the distance I saw children playing and I missed my daughter.

but I didn't want to call my mother or my mother-in-law because I would cry, and I wouldn't be able to lie, I would only worry them.

I leaned against the small wall that separated the sea from the hotel. I heard a sigh and turned to look.

it was sulji.

I approached and she looked at me, she had her mouth cut off and a purple on her face. when she looked at me, I didn't see contempt as always, I saw ... fear.

"Sulji" I said.

she turned and started walking, but as soon as she took the first step one of the hotel security guards stopped her.

"You have to come with me"

"What? What did I do?" Sulji looked desperate.

"You need to leave the hotel immediately"

I approached and stood by her side.

"Who gave that order?" I asked

"mr. Jeon direct orders miss."

"she's not going anywhere"

"But miss" the security officer protested.

"Will you question me?"

he looked at me and sulji.

"No miss" and then he went away.

the uncomfortable silence was in the air, Sulji and I were staring at the floor.

"thanks" she whispered I barely heard.

"sulji what happened?"

"it's none of your business!"

"You're a beautiful woman with a battered face, so yes, it's my business, even more so if that asshole of lee did it!"

she did not say anything.

"I don't need your concern, but in appreciation I'll give you some advice."

she turned to me and stared at me with heavy breathing.

"Watch out for Lee, he's much more dangerous than you realize and he's up to something ... watch out your back."

so she left without looking back.

Living with Playboys 2|ENG version Where stories live. Discover now