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guys how you imagine yuju? like the singer? or someone else? 

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people started to arrive at the party and I was not even ready, the day had passed, I hadn't yet seen jungkook, he didn't show up in our room. he must still be angry with me, I don't understand why, it should be the other way, he offended me.

"I arrived!" a voice interrupted my thoughts, as I looked out the door of my room, there was a team along with my personal hairdresser.

"Mark !! What are you doing in here?"

"Cintia sent me here to take care of you!" he said already fiddling with my hair.

" thanks!" I said.

"May the transformation begins!" he clapped his hands and his helpers approached and they all started to get me ready.


while mark and their team were giving the last touches I was talking to my cousin on the cell phone. he had not seen jungkook all day, that was already worrying me.

I had sent a thousand messages, and called a thousand times and nothing ...

"ready beautiful!"

I was too sad to care about my appearance, but I went to the mirror anyway.

I was too sad to care about my appearance, but I went to the mirror anyway

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"Wow, it doesn't look like I've been crying all afternoon!" I said trying to look funny, but no one laughed, everyone saw that I was sad.

"Thank you mark, you saved my ass."

he smiled and gave me a hug.

" well I'll be here to get you ready for tomorrow at the photo shoot, but enjoy it today! "

"Okay." I smiled and left the room.




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I got out of the car and went to the hotel lobby to receive the most important guests, celebrities and businessmen from all the world, I can even swear I saw Christian Gray!

"And how are you?" jin asked

"It's not the time jin" I said and left.

I hadn't seen yuju all day, since that deplorable scene of the two hugging each other, I couldn't think of anything else, so I was still very angry.

I received people with a smile that wasn't mine, because if there was one thing I wasn't it was happy ...

until I saw her walking down the aisle coming towards me, she was beautiful, as always, I could not stop staring at her, my heart started to beat stronger when she stood beside me and gave me a smile, and started to help me receive the guests.

"I need to talk to you" she said next to my ear.

I knew I needed to talk, but I didnt want to have that conversation today, would she divorce me? would I be avoiding the inevitable? Would yuju leave me? after all, lee was her first love, she would always be kept by him.

I finished receiving the guests and I went to the ballroom.

I finished receiving the guests and I went to the ballroom

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I wanted this night to be perfect, Jungkook had spent so much time planning, I'm going to run after him and talk to him, I need to know why he doesn't talk to me. I was looking for the crowd but I didn't see him.

"looking for someone?" Lee asked holding my arm.

"Yes, and it's not you!"

"Wow sweetheart, but you're working for me today!"

I rolled my eyes at that, disgusted.

"We have to take some pictures together before you look for your little boy."

and so he dragged me to where the paparazzi took thousands of pictures of us.



"Hello!" I turned around and saw that it was Sulji.

"Hi" I replied dryly.

"looking for someone?" she asked.

I was looking for yuju, I could no longer be avoiding our conversation.

"I can help you!" she said rubbing herself on me.

"Sulji leave me alone, I have more to do!"

she bit her lip and pout.

"You weren't so bad to me like this before."

I sighed deeply and touched my face.

"I'm not well today, please!" I said seriously but calmer now.

"jungkook I just want to help you, it's serious!" she sounded sincere.


"You must be looking for yuju!"


"I saw her near the paparazzi"

and so I was accompanied by sulji to the photoshoot. Yuju was there, in the arms of that man, she didn't even look like my wife anymore, it seemed that she was his escort. Lee had one of his arms around her waist and she smiled at the pictures.

"I can't stand watching this!" I said and left.



I followed jungkook to the table of drinks and food, he was incredibly handsome, causing my body to ask for his.

he turned one, two, three glasses of some strong drink. I smiled because I knew he get drunk easy.

"We used to have fun!" I said.

"Don't even try, I don't get drunk so easy anymore!"

damn it! after 2 years some things must have changed. I leaned in and lay on his arm, he didn't seem to notice or care so he didn't leave me until I saw lee, and there I knew it was the signal for our plan.

I pulled jungkook's arm around me, and I kissed him quickly before he could understand what was happening. By this time Lee would be showing yuju our kiss.

Living with Playboys 2|ENG version Where stories live. Discover now