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"Yes mother is all right with me and yuju" I was talking on the phone to my then-desperate mother, the explosion had become news in all the newspapers and gossip sites. "The boys are fine too, we're coming home today."

I paced back and forth in my office, coming back home my hotel would stay in my partner's hand.

"Is everything all right with Laura?"

My mother said yes and sent me a photo.

My heart has melted all over, but no one can know that

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My heart has melted all over, but no one can know that.

"Okay Mom, I have to pack things to go home, bye" so I hung up the phone and went to look for yuju.



I was putting things in the car that was going to take us to the airport, this trip was good but a lot of things couldn't have happened, for the sake of my sanity I needed to go home and hold my daughter in my arms.

I still felt bad about everything that had happened, people had been injured and some even died in this crazy story of the yacht.

Jungkook was tense and didn't sleep properly because of the investigations, he insisted that it was Lee and I didn't disagree, but we had no evidence at all.



I observed yuju from afar, she had tired eyes, didn't look very well. I approached her sitting in the chair beside her that was empty, jungkook was sitting in the cabin talking to the captain.

"you don't look well"

"I don't feel well" yuju replied by placing a hand on her heart and looking out the window. "I have a bad feeling, a tightness in my chest"

"Because of everything that happened, it's normal" I tried to calm her down.

"no, not for that, it's something else... stronger"

yuju then turned to me and hugged me, she was cold and tense. I tightened my grip on her, trying to give her more comfort.

"yoongi ..."


"I don't want to hurt you..."

my body tensed instantly, she knew? since when? my feelings was so obvious?

"I don't want anything to change between us" she said softly.

"it won't, don't worry."



"After long day traveling, we finally got home, after everyone said goodbye at the airport, Jungkook and I had finally arrived at our house.

"yuju ..." jungkook put his arm in front of me preventing me from walking. I looked at him in surprise. "What happened babe?" i asked.

"Look, the door of our house is open and I can't see any of the security guards."

jungkook then picked up his cell phone and called the police, meanwhile we decided to enter. the house was a mess, everything twisted. we went to the kitchen and I saw the most terrifying scene of my life.

our mothers were tied up in the kitchen chair with strings in their mouths, Sulji had laura on her lap, swinging my daughter in an attempt to calm her down. my heart sank at once, I knew something was wrong.

Lee was with a gun, he smiled at my and jungkook's mother, he slid the gun through Sulji's arms and rubbed his gun in laura.

"Do not come near my family, you asshole." Jungkook said.

"lee ..." my voice failed, my heart was racing, the blood capping my hearing, everything seemed to pass slowly, my breathing was out of control. my body began to shake as lee took my daughter in his arms.

"No" I said as tears streamed down my face.

"lee let me hold her please, don't hurt her she has nothing to do with this..." Sulji spoke in a shaky voice. Lee was so fast that I didn't even notice when he hit her with the gun in her face, opening a cut on Sulji's cheek.

Jungkook took a step forward and Lee pointed the gun at him.

"a-a-a-ah you can stop there big boy, you're approaching and your daughter will not live to learn to read"

Lee played with the gun, passing it on the laura's head. my mother cried and tried to scream but her mouth was tied.

Lee pointed the gun at my mother and fired, pointed at jungkook's mother and fired again.

"NOOO!!!!" I screamed, my throat choked with pain. our mothers were still alive, but wounded.

"lee take me, I'm going with you, just don't hurt anyone else!" I begged to go slowly toward him.

"yes, come to me my love" Lee said with his psychopathic tone, his eyes glazed as if he were stoned.

"yuju no ..." Jungkook said in a firm tone. but there was no way out, he was pointing the gun at my daughter, he had already hurt many people, he would kill my husband, he wanted me and he would have.

"Take me" I repeated as I arrived in front of him. "let laura go" lee then left the laura on the kitchen counter, the little girl began to cry desperate.

"Make this baby stop crying, for God's sake" he said with contempt.

he then kiss my cheek and his arm clawed me And he pointed the gun at my head.


so I saw my life collapse in a matter of seconds, yuju was now in laura's place, my daughter was on the balcony crying desperately, my mother and my mother-in-law bleeding, they had fainted in pain.

the shot had hit their shoulder. This shit head will pay me.

lee now pointed the gun to yuju's head, he kissed her cheek, yuju cried looking deep in my eyes.

"You don't like to lose don't you jungkook? That's something we have in common ... that's what women like."

"You will pay me your little shit"

"accept your defeat"



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i will do double update! the next chapter is the last one, enjoy!

Living with Playboys 2|ENG version Where stories live. Discover now