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"What are you doing here Mom?" jungkook asked in surprise.

"I came to the inauguration of my son's newest hotel ..."

"Of course" Jungkook laughed blandly.

"I'm sorry you saw this, mrs. jeon!" I said, dying of shame.

"For God's sake yuju, I'm not an old moralist! You're married and you do what you want!" she said with a smile.

"How lucky of me that your mother likes me" I whispered in jungkook's ear.

he laughed and went to hug his mother.


"Now that my mother is gone ..." he said huskily.

"How about we get back from where we left off?" he asked

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"How about we get back from where we left off?" he asked.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. Jungkook grabbed my waist and led me to the enormous bed. The good thing about owning the hotel is that you always get the best room.

he was kissing my neck alternating sides, my legs fastened on his waist bringing him closer. Jungkook wasted no time and pulled my dress up, pulling it off and throwing it on the floor.

just in my panties, jungkook stared at me.

"I never get tired of seeing you like this!" he said.

slowly he took off his own clothes as I waited in bed, admiring the sight of him naked in front of me.

"I never get tired of seeing you like this either" I joked.

"Lucky me" he said as he walked toward me.

Jungkook didn't wait and went straight to my breasts, licking and sucking them, biting me lightly making me shiver. His delicate yet firm touch made me mad.

while playing with my breasts, his hand went down to my panties, lightly lowering it to make rom for his fingers. slowly he played with my clit, making me moan and grab the bed sheets.

I was very wet, which made it easier for him to enter when he shoved everything into me. it began with a calm rhythm but gradually accelerated, increasing our pleasure.

our hands were entwined as he thrust in me so fucking hard, making the bed drag on the floor.



finally! after eating, me and yuju we went to the balcony of the room to admire the sea view, that was now calm.

"What do you think of this sulji story and lee together?" she asked.

"I think it's a waste of time, because nothing can separates us!" I replied, but I was still worried that those two could do something to hurt yuju.

she looked at me and I ran my fingers under her cheek, stroking it.

"I wish you would walk with at least one security!" I said.

Her eyes widened in surprise.

"what? no, this is not necessary jungkook!"

"Of course it is, those two together ... nothing good can come out of that!"

"but it does not need security, it's not like one of the two would commit murder!"

I did not say, just stare at her.

"Oh my God, do you really think either of them could be capable of this?" Yuju laughed thinking that was a stupid idea, but I had my doubts.

"You never know!" I said.

"I know lee, he would never hurt me" the way she talked about him, made my stomach turn, it's like she still caressed that asshole that in fact already hurt her.

"Wouldn't hurt you? Like when he didn't hurt you when he betrayed you, or almost got you pregnant and left you alone?"


"Wow!" I said it without believing in what i just heard, he was so angry. Those words were like a slap in my face.

I turned around and stepped out of the balcony, grabbing a coat and walking out of the room.

"YUJU!" I heard him shouting, but I had already run off to the elevator.


"he said that?" yoongi asked. We were sitting by the pool.

"Uhum!" I agreed. "He looked so angry."

"he is jealous."

"Even so, that's no reason to hurt me."

"I didn't know you had been through all this yuju!" Yoongi said, he looked sad to hear my story with my ex.

"My story with men is not usually very good."

"but I'm sure you and jungkook will work out, just give you and him time to cool off."

I smiled and nodded.

" what you guys are talking about?" V and jimin approached.

I smiled as V sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulder.

I leaned my head against his shoulder and took a deep breath.

"I fought with jungkook!"

"What? Sorry..." jimin said.

"But, you were fucking like crazy!" V said smiling.

"Actually we did it before we fought!" I said smiling.

"You two look like rabbits!" jimin said.

"You are envious!" I said.

"I really am, i'm no even kidding!"

"Maybe I'm tired of this playboy life." jimin said with a sigh.

"what???" V looked at him in surprise.

"I doubt it, ​​he will be rubbing himself in a girl tomorrow i bet ." yoongi said.

Jimin looked at him with an ugly face.

"Jimin, your desire to date only lasts until the next party!" I said.

he shook his head.

"I think this time it's serious!" he said softly.

"Dude ..." He looked at yoongi. "I think we've lost a warrior!" yoongi denied in silence.

"Tomorrow at the party he changes his mind!" Yoongi said.

"we'll see!" jimin said.

And i could only laugh!


Sorry for the lazy chapter guys, but yeah, it is what it is! Read my others ffcs, like playing w fire and spoiled, please!

Living with Playboys 2|ENG version Where stories live. Discover now