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Guys give love to my others books, spoiled for exemple. Please!


" finally ..." jimin screamed as we appeared in the backyard where the party was happening. With open arms he came toward me and gave me a tight hug, lifting me off the ground quickly.

"You are my examples, even after you're married, you're still fucking like crazys!" jimin said with a smile.

"shut up jimin" jungkook said.

I walked to the rest of the boys, it was so nice to see them, everyone was always so busy, it was good to have such a time ... in family.

"namjoon and jin arrived with the goods stuff, and by that i mean women." V said getting up from the table. "I'm going to open the door for them"

"You do not change ..." I said.

"Wasn't he in love?" Yoongi asked, taking another sip of his cold drink.

"Yeah, it lasted about 3 months, and it was a lot  ..." hoseok said while playing with laura on his lap.

"Do you want me to take laura?" I said, holding out my arms.

"Are you kidding? She's a magnet for women, girls are crazy about single parents, makes me seem sensitive and romantic, the father abandoned by the cruel wife." hoseok said smiling at laura.

I shook my head, not believing what I was hearing.

"You're horrible hoseok." I said.

"hey ... I'm just trying to get along with you and jungkook!"

"wow  ok..." I went out to get something to drink.

Soon afterwards Nanjoom and Jin arrived with some beautiful women, they greeted me and went towards the boys.

I got scared when I felt jungkook's hands on my waist, I turned to face him.

"We need to talk ..." I said.

"Um ..." he sighed deeply. "No we don't"

"are you upset?"

"I'm, but I'm going to have to deal with it, the guy is your ex ... anyway I trust you and that's it!"

I smiled uncomfortably and nodded.  "OK". I felt insecure but at the same time happy, I had to work for my ex, so I had to deal with it somehow, if possible with the least contact with him.


I was still hung over when my assistant came into my office through the giant glass doors.

"I've brought the documents you need for today's meeting!" Mark said putting the file on my desk.

"thank you!" and then he went back to his office. for me that was still very recent, I had built an empire along with my friends, it was a lot of responsibility, responsibility that I had not had a year ago.

my life changed completely after yuju, I was very happy with that, but every now and then it scared me, somehow I was not feeling much myself, maybe it's because I'm always busy.

and now this story of my wife working with her ex, that still gelling my blood, last year was my ex and now yuju's ex, it seems a bad comedy.

It took 30 minutes for my meeting when Mark called my office and announced that lee suk jong was waiting for me, it took me a while to recognize the name, but when I recognized it hit me like a slap, it was  yuju's ex.

"What does this guy want here?" I spoke to myself before releasing his entry into my office.

as soon as the giant doors of frosted glass opened and a tall man came in, perhaps a few inches longer than I, thinner, with light hair pebbled back, his gaze was defiant which made me stand up straight away and fix my suit with a special cut just to my size.

he came walking toward me with an air of snobby, analyzing my room, I could see that he was impressed, and should, I hired the best architect in the city to build that building, my room was huge, with shades of dark brown and black , was a serious tone to the office.

a giant dark wooden desk with my notebook and some documents in it, and behind it was a glass wall that showed the whole city at my feet, and beside it I had been building a mini bar.

"so this is where the newest tycoon is hiding." lee suk jong said with a smirk, he reached out to greet me and I returned the gesture.

"I do not hide!" I said, staring at him, still scanning my living room.

"accepts a drink?" I offered, although I did not want him to stay, but I needed to know what he wanted with me or with my wife.

he sat on the wide black leather sofa and crossed his legs, I stood staring at him. my head was a thousand to think that my wife had already gone to bed with that guy, my stomach was turning, now I know how yuju felt when I hang out with those women.

"I will not be long" he said, turning his gaze back to me. "I just came to say something ..." He stood up and stood face to face with me.

"I came back with a purpose and I will fulfill it" he said looking me in the eyes.

I held up his gaze and asked, "And what would that purpose be?"

he smirked, cracked his neck, and put his hands in the pocket of his black social pants.

"I will regain yuju, and I will succeed! I now have money and power."

my throat dried up, I closed my hands feeling the anger, trying to control myself so I would not punch that asshole's face. but now who smiled was me.

"But there's something you do not have." I said dryly.

"and what would it be?"

"the love of yuju!"

he stared at me. "no, not yet!" he said and left the glass door leaving me trembling with hatred.


How u guys doing? I'm without my notebook and my phone is broken, so is difficult for me to write, so i hope u guys can understand! Thanks! And happy hollidays.

Living with Playboys 2|ENG version Where stories live. Discover now