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"Come on, get dressed, you have my campaign too." I told Sulji.

Sometimes we had sex when we had nothing to do. It was a waste of time, she is not yuju, but it was good for now.

"My God, I'm sorry sir." Someone entered the room without knocking, it was a maid.

"Get out of here, you nonsense" I shouted.

"Calm down, it was just a maid." Sulji said with a laugh.

I put on my clothes and left the room, I didn't have any patience today.



Yuju had already disappeared when I came back from the confusion of the fire, I couldn't help being hurt, but I think deep down, neither of us knew how to begin that conversation.

I looked for her everywhere but did not find it, I went outside the hotel and there she was, on the Seaside, posing for the photographer.

I stopped and admired her, how could I betray such a woman? I'm crazy for her, I wouldn't trade her for anything, she made me the man I am, I owe her a lot, including my respect and that's what I want to show her.

Lee arrived shortly afterwards to ruin my vision of yuju, I was not fully understanding what he was going to do, but when he hugged my wife the photographer continued to photograph, I never felt so angry.

And I could see that yuju was more than uncomfortable, she was disgusted, I couldn't let my wife go through that.

I picked up my phone and called the office and some others contacts.

"Do it now, I don't care how much it will cost." I said trying to control my anger.

That scene was wrapping my stomach, it was past time for me to do something.



I couldn't stand he rubbing on me any more, and I was sure he had agreed with the photographer to make those poses.

"Enough" I watched jungkook approach with anger in his eyes, his body was tense.

"I'm just doing my job" the photographer said pulling back, making room for jungkook to pass.

"Relax, he's not talking to you," Lee said coming out from behind me.

"What do you want jungkook, can't you see that your wife and I are working?" Lee said with a disgusting smile on his face.

"Fortunately this torture ends for her now" Jungkook said.

"What do you mean jungkook?" I asked.

"Babe, I called some contacts and our lawyers and they found a clause letting you break the contract."

I smiled relieved, and went towards my husband.

I was feeling so exposed in that bikini, it was disgusting.

I hugged jungkook and he took off his jacket to cover me, so he hugged me.

"Thanks!" I said. He smiled and kissed me on the forehead.

"Oh I was already forgetting something" Jungkook said turning around, I stood in the sand watching him go to lee by the sea.

And suddenly he punched Lee's face in full force. "This is for my wife," so he punched again "and that's for yoongi" so with Lee lying in the water with his hand covering his face, jungkook smiled and came back toward me.


"Lee!" I yelled and run towards him, he was soaked and bloody.

"What happened?"

"You happened sulji, you don't do anything right, don't fulfill your part of the deal, keep jungkook away. You are so useless"

He stormed out into his room.

What had happened? I was photographing, there was no way I knew that jungkook would show up.

Damn it, I hope those two haven't made up.



"So ... you're not mad at me anymore?" I asked.

"Not really, and you?"

"I'm still so fucking mad jungkook, you kissed that nasty bitch."

I folded my arms and he hugged me from behind.

"But as you explained to me what happened and I know those two are arming to us, I'll forgive you."

"But you're going to have to brush your teeth about 34 times." I said turning to him.

"Believe me ... I already did that" he said, glaring at me.

I smiled and kissed him.

"I missed you" I said.

"Me too, you can't imagine how much" he said. "Come on, we'll take you to take a shower and warm up." He said to me.

We left the main hall and went to our suite.


While I was taking a shower, jungkook ordered room service, I was starving and he knew that I was sulking with hunger.

I wrapped up in my robe and out of the bathroom. I went to him and i huged him from behind, he was still on the phone.

"I'm glad to be with you again," I said when he hung up. "The bed gets very empty when you're not in it." I said and he turned to me.

"So what do you think of us coming back to her and filling the empty space?" He said leaning over to kiss me.

I smiled and kissed him willingly, one of his hands in my wet hair and the other opening my robe.

"You only think about that?" I said smiling.

"No, I only think of you, sex is just a consequence."

Living with Playboys 2|ENG version Where stories live. Discover now