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I was taken to a white room with an uncomfortable bed where the lights were irritating my eyes, I looked at my arm and they had put serum in my vein.

I tried to get up but the nurse I had noticed and spoke up.

"No attempt to raise boy" she said, smiling and helping me sit down.

"My wife, my friends, Where are they?" despair was remarkable in my speech.

"They are well, everyone is receiving treatment. Your wife has not woken up yet, she has ingested a lot of water, but nothing serious!"

I breathed in relief from my friends, but I was still tense for yuju.

"When can I see her?"

the nurse wrote down some things and moved the machines.

"after you talk to the police"

"police?" I felt dizzy.

"Boats don't explode like that out of nowhere ... you were the victim of a crime sir!" she said. then two policemen came in and approached my bed.

"Mr. jeon jungkook?"




I forced myself to open my eyes but it was uncomfortable, I forced myself once more to open them, I realized that I was in a hospital. next to me was yoongi, he was sitting in an armchair taking serum in his vein.

"Yoong ..." I tried to speak but it hurt.

Yoongi woke up quickly and came up to me giving me a glass of water and helping me sit down.

"what happened?" I asked

"The yacht exploded, jungkook is talking to the police and asked me to stay here in the meantime!"

"I understand, the police think it was a crime?"

"you don't?" yoongi looked at me seriously

"Of course I do."

I was sure. My body still ached with the sensation of the fall, that freezing water hitting my skin, I shuddered and yoongi covered me with the bed sheet.


"how are you?" jungkook said coming through the door of my room.


"I imagine" he gave me a weak smile. he approached my bed and stroked my forehead.

"I was so afraid of losing you," he whispered.

"Hey it's okay now, don't think about it."

"The police said that the fuel was tampered with, so the engine couldn't stand it and exploded" Jungkook told me.

"And you know who did it?"

"No, but they got a guy who helped in the fuel shift, but he's just a little part of that story."

"Do you think it could have been Lee?" I asked.


my throat dried up, I couldn't believe the guy I loved once, tried to kill me.

"Let's not think about it now, I want you to be fine, I need my whole wife!" he said, jungkook bent gave me a kiss on my forehead.



i went to get some food, I was going back into yuju's room when I realized he was with her.

I could hear her and jungkook talk, I confess that I was a little disappointed, because I didn't have to take care of her anymore.

"Yoongi be real, she's your friend and that's it" I said to myself.

"Dude ... this is bad!" a voice said behind me.

I turned around and saw jimin looking surprised.

"You like YU ..." I put my hand on his mouth and pushed him against the wall.

"shiiiii! nobody knows and will not ever know, did you hear?" I threatened.

"Ok ... you looks much better already, you're already hurting me.

"sorry" I said letting him go of the wall ...

"Relax, I'm not going to talk to anyone about it"

"thank you!"

"But this is fucking wrong dude .... it's yuju, she's beautiful and everything, but she's our friend's wife, you can't do anything about it!"

"I know, I just ..." my voice failed. "I will just repress and die with this choking."

"die with what choked?" I looked back and yuju and jungkook were standing in the hallway, jungkook stared at me deeply, he didn't look angry ... just serious, he knew! damn it...

"so?" Yuju asked again.

"well seems like everyone is fine, that's a relief" jimin said trying to distract yuju.

"Yeah, the doctor freed us both." Yuju said smiling, she had some bruises on her legs but nothing serious.

"this is nice." I said and walked down the hall, leaving everyone behind.

"What's wrong with him?" I heard yuju asking

"His dick is itchy" jimin said. I could feel their eyes on my back.

"uurhg jimin!" yuju said.

And the last thing I heard was her sweet laugh echoing in the corridor of the hospital.



"Did you see that your planter did? you almost killed him!!!" I yelled at lee. he was concentrating on the room's window.

"you are an idiot?" I continued, anger was boiling in my blood.

"shut up!" he said seriously and turned to face me.

he was in his impeccable suit, his hair neat, his hands behind his back and a horrible smile on his face, looking like a psychopath and for the first time I wanted to get away from that man.

I swallowed as he approached me and touched my cheek.

"I'm just getting started, beauty!"

Living with Playboys 2|ENG version Where stories live. Discover now