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I could not bear to see that scene, it wrapped my stomach, it must be me, me having dinner with  jungkook, me walking hand in hand with him, me kissing him. Ever since that bitch appeared, my life turned upside down.

all the guys had eyes only for her, in the professional and in my personal life the same thing, everyone wanted yuju.

it made my blood boil. if it was not for her, I'd be in the magazine covers, I'd be with jungkook just for me.

my throat dried when I saw him pulling her into a hug. the sunset hitting them both, was almost poetic. I just wanted to get out of there and leave, but I couldn't, I still had not given up, and now I have an ally.

Someone who knows what I feel. he is an asshole, but kisses well, but he also love yuju, as always is everything for her and only her, if I could I would kill this little bitch.

maybe this is not a bad idea ...

"Your time will come yuju and when you arrive, you will fall so bad!" I said to myself still watching the couple by the sea.



I saw yuju and jungkook returning to the room holding hands, they looked so happy, I hope nothing bad happens to them, they deserve to be happy, and I know one does well to the other.

I would be happier for them if I were not completely in love with yuju. everything would be easier. but she has no idea of ​​my feelings, she will never know. I never had a girlfriend, I was never betrayed.

I invented all this because I wanted to approach her, even if it was only as a friend. she would not give me a chance to do that if she knew I liked her. and after almost 3 years with her, my feelings have not changed.

just being by her side, already makes my day worth! and if there is someone who makes her happy, even this someone who is not me, I'm happy anyway.

because we don't always get what we want ... maybe love is not for everyone!



jungkook had already taken a shower and if he had been cleaned, he had to go downstairs to greet a few more important guests while I got ready.

I was happy to have him by my side, always supporting me, I wanted this story with lee and sulji had never existed, those two deserve each other, for me they can join and explode together.

it was sucking my energy. so I decided to focus on something else, on my clothes for example, which is more important than those two.

as it was very hot, and it was dinner just for me and my husband, I allowed myself to wear something more ... sexy!

"I think jungkook will like it!"

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"I think jungkook will like it!"



"I don't need to tell you how crazy you make me when you wear those short dresses!" I said

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"I don't need to tell you how crazy you make me when you wear those short dresses!" I said.

I already felt my heart racing just to see yuju, but when she wore these provocative dresses, it made me want to tear her clothes off and get her to the next room.

" kookie junior going to have trouble over dinner," I said, smiling.

"I can not believe you still call your dic ... let it go!" yuju laughed as she looked at the menu.

I had made a point of choosing everything from the good and the best to my wife, from the table, to the dessert she's going to eat.

"You know, I had a very good dessert to give to you." I said.

yuju looked at me.

"but seeing you like this .... no dessert is worth my time .. after dinner we have to go back to the room!" I was no longer able to control myself and we had not even asked for anything yet.

Yuju smiled, the most beautiful smile in the world.

I suddenly felt her leg in mine and I glistened at the time, she couldn't be doing that to me. but she was, she reached the middle of my legs, where my erection started to grow.

slowly and carefully, she passed the needle heel under my erection. Making smooth, circular motions, yuju moved with me in a way no woman ever stirred. she bit her bottom lip, making me hornier.

"Forget dinner" I said, interrupting her movements. I got up from the chair and she looked at me in surprise.

"what's it?" she asked.

I called the waiter and ordered him to take the food to the room.

"I really wanted to have a romantic night with you." I said a little frustrated. "but I can't concentrate on anything else when you're with me, even more playing with me like this ..."

she looked at me intently, she got up and walked slowly towards me, I watched her every move carefully.

"But I think that having sex with my husband in the moonlight is very, very romantic!" she said into my ear.

"You are a danger to my health jeon yuju!"

Yuju laughed as I pulled her down to the corridors until she reached our room.

I pushed her against the door of our room and kissed it willingly, pushing my body against hers. her hands took turns between my hair and my neck. I bit her lower lip slowly.

she moaned softly, driving me madder. I held her by the waist and pressed her against my body as I kissed her neck.

"uhrum!" someone cleared the throat behind us.

we immediately stopped what we were doing and looked at the person who interrupted us.

"I see your sex life is fine!"


"Oh shit!" yuju whispered.

"mother?" I said.

Living with Playboys 2|ENG version Where stories live. Discover now