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The next day our bags were ready to go to Porto Rico, I was excited, a trip with all my friends, after so much time away from them.

jungkook was going to open another hotel, he was nervous and very excited, and I was always proud.

"Let's go jimin, we still have to go to the airport"

"We're going private jet?"

"Yes!" jungkook has confirmed.

"then I do not know why the rush, the plane is yours"

"But the world is not yours idiot, yet ..."


"welcome to my hotel" jungkook looked proud

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"welcome to my hotel" jungkook looked proud.

"Yeah yeah, it's very beautiful! But I want to know where the girls are!" hoseok spoke excitedly.

"I'm sure you'll get one soon." yoongi commented.

I smiled and headed toward my room.

"You know ... I was thinking" jungkook said seriously. "How about we go out to dinner, just the two of us?"

"I'll love it!"

he smiled at me, making me melt

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he smiled at me, making me melt.

"then it's marked! I have to solve some paperwork for the official opening, later we'll see each other"

he then kissed me on the forehead and left.


the hotel was very crowded for the opening, many famous people had stayed, and many investors were keen to meet my husband for future investments. The party would only be the next day, but people had arrived earlier to settle.

I decided to go down to the pool and sunbathe. I lay down on the sun bed and closed my eyes.

"What's up, how are you?" someone said

taking out the hand that covered my eye I saw that it was yoongi.

"I am fine"

"Married life suits you."

"And you? When are you going to get someone?"

"After the betrayal of my girlfriend, I do not want to fall in love so early, I think I'm good being a playboy together with the other boys."

"who would have thought that the youngest would be the first to marry!" I laughed.

"Yep... who would say..."

after a few minutes of silence I decided to lie down again and close my eyes, enjoying the sun.

"Ah yoongi, we have a clothing campaign together next month!"



When I opened my eyes yoongi was kissing another girl next to the bar.

"Seriously" I smiled.

I decided to actually get into the pool, it was so hot, I did not care and I dove in with everything.

when I went out underwater, I saw jungkook sitting in one of the sun chairs, so I got out of the water and went towards it.

I sat on his lap, my body wetting his, but he did not seem to care at all. he was so sexy, with a white shirt, unbuttoned, and jeans shorts. I leaned down to lightly kiss his mouth.

"Hmm ... I love it when you kiss me," he said.

"Good, because I love kissing you!"

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" a female voice came up behind us.

I looked back and not believing what I was seeing, I blinked several times quickly, that could only be a joke.

"sulji? lee?" I talked.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked, his tone now no longer playful, became serious.

"Did you think we would miss the opening of our beloved exs?"

"Yes," I said quietly.

"Of course not my dear," sulji said, looking mockingly at me.

I could not help it, I rolled my eyes. I got up from jungkook's lap and he got up soon after still behind me.

his immense body made me look smaller and thinner.

"Do you know each other from where?" I asked.

"Oh, you know, we just bump into common interests."

"and what would those interests be?" I asked.

Sulji laughed and looked at Lee.

"Separate you two," Lee replied in a low voice.

Jungkook took my hand and pulled me closer to him, he stared at the two of them and left pulling me along.


I could not stand another minute of that joke, I pulled yuju together to go, I saw in her face that she was worried. Does she think Sulji has a chance of getting me out of her?

no way ... that woman meant nothing to me. I love my wife, I have family now, I know what I want, and it's yuju with me forever.


Does she want me?

after all we have spent a lot of time apart. I looked at her, the sun was already setting, and now the light reflected the sea in a very beautiful way, reflecting the orange light on her face.

it was breathtaking; I put a lock of her hair behind her ear, she looked at me with worried eyes.

"what's it?" she asked.

"Nothing, it's just that you're very precious to me," I said.

she smiled and gave me a long kiss on the lips.

I should not be thinking about it, but those thoughts were taking over my head.

will yuju be back with her ex? Would she leave me? after all the two have an unfinished story.

"yuju ..."


"say you Love Me"

"why this now?"

the truth is that I felt insecure. so I pulled her and held her against my body in a tight hug, she was still wetting my clothes with the wet bikini.

"just say ..."

"I love you jeon jungkook!"

it was all I needed to hear, but somehow I was still afraid ...

Living with Playboys 2|ENG version Where stories live. Discover now