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Hi guys! Just pass to say that i love when u guys send me message, so feel free to do it.


I went to the elevator and went to the room, it was late, jungkook was already sleeping. without waking him, I lay down slowly and soon afterwards I slept too.

the next day I woke up and jungkook was gone, which made me sad, we did not have the opportunity to talk, and I wanted us to sort things out between us.

I called him but the cell phone was only busy, when I gave up, my cell phone rang, I looked at the screen hoping to be him, but it was cintia calling to remind me of my appointments.

"I know, I'm here to help my cousin's company!" I said without much patience.

"yuju, now seriously, you have a contract with Mr. Lee Jong-suk"

"Don't even remind me, it almost ends my marriage!" I said remembering.

"Look, don't mix things up, business is business, I don't know the story, but you have to be professional!" she said.

"I know."

"That's good, because you also have to take some bikini pictures for Mr. Lee's clothing brand!"

"what??????????" I got out of bed quickly.

"Yes, no discussion, we've talked about it a lot, look for Lee, and he'll give you the next information!"

"Okay," I said dissatisfied.

I sighed and hung up the phone.

Right now that jungkook and i are not very well.



"I know what I did last night was wrong, but I feel really angry at how she talks about him." I told Namjoon and jin.

yuju had called me 3 times, but I was away from my cell phone, when I returned she did not answer, she must think I'm mad at her, but I'm not, I'm jealous.

"You have to calm down, you hurt her, apologize and everything will be alright!" Jin said in his calm tone.

"you're right!" I said.

"Of course I am, I'm the oldest, soon, the wiser!" he said with a smile.

"don't exaggerate!" namjoon joked.

"Look her there!" Jin pointed to the restaurant on the edge of the beach. yuju was walking barefoot on the sand going towards someone.

I can't believe ... it was lee, she goes after him as soon as we fight. I held my anger and watched them both from afar, jin and namjoon stared at me silently.

Calm down, man! namjoon said, I had not even realized it, but my hands were clenched into fists, my hand losing the color of so much I squeezed with anger.

I can't believe I was seeing that, he was all smiling up at my wife.

"Mr. jeon!" Someone call me.

was one of the hotel staff.

"We need you in the administration, one of your partners has some documents for you to sign."

"ok I'm going!"

I looked at that scene one more time before leaving, they were hugging, and I was with the anger consuming me.



I couldn't stand the talking anymore, my desire was to yawn, but technically he was my boss there.

"ok, I got it!" I said for the thousandth time.

"Great, so I'll meet you tomorrow afternoon to do the photoshoot and record the commercial!" he finally finished speaking.

then suddenly he pulled me into a hug. I froze and I did not move in his arms. it was totally unnecessary and uncomfortable.

"errr ... lee, can you let me go?" I pushed him slowly.

"Sorry!" he smiled shyly, I confess that if it was two years ago that smile would melt me, but now it does not cause me any effect, it actually gives me a little anger.

reminds me that he is the reason for my quarrel with my husband. I look at the floor as those thoughts run through my mind.

"what's it?" he asks.

"Nothing" I cut.

"Remember when I was your best friend and you told me everything?" He smiled.

"that was before you betrayed me and abandoned me when you thought I was pregnant" saying that out loud, I saw that what jungkook had said was true, I treated him very well to someone who had treated me so miserably bad.

he took my chin and lifted my face to look at him.

I quickly turned my face away.

"I need to go ..." I said and left.


"Hoseok?" I shouted, but my cousin didn't answer.

I knocked again on the door of his room and called again, until after a few minutes he opened the door.

"what the fuck???" I said when I saw the scene, he was holding a T-shirt covering his private parts, he was also wearing a tie tied in one of his wrists and his hair was messy , he was panting hard.

"my God!" I closed my eyes and held my laughter.

"Sorry, it's just that you caught me in a bad moment ... or good depending on the point of view!"

"Oppa, come back to bed!" a woman's voice screamed from inside the room.

"Well i'm sorry" he said.

"Of course, okay!" I laughed and walked away from the door. "I just wanted to know what you need from me in today's event.

"Yes! I need you, but not now, I'll call you later!" he said hastily.

I laughed and nodded, he closed the door and I went to my room hoping that jungkook was there.

I need to talk to him.

Living with Playboys 2|ENG version Where stories live. Discover now