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"do not tease me" Jungkook said, he approached me until my back touched the wall, his arms locked me in place, our faces were so close together that our breaths mingled.

his eyes stared at mine, they were pure desire, and I felt every part of my body crawl slowly.

"and what would be the fun in that?" I asked teasing.

when I noticed Jungkook lifted me and I pinned my legs to his waist, he led us to the bed, and lay down on me, he gave me a desperate kiss, strong and firm, his tongue explored every corner of my mouth, my hands they clung to his hair, and his hands pressed me urgently all over.

"Babe..." I moaned and then he bit down on my lower lip hard, making me groan louder. I took off his blouse and scratched his back, he smiled against my mouth, he liked it when I was harsh.

when I noticed the GG blouse that I wore was already on the floor, and my panties were being torn by him, after tossing the torn fabric in the corner of the room he took off his pants and underwear.

I never tired of having that vision, jungkook naked, and hard ... i bit my mouth without realizing it. he came back to me attacking my neck with bites and wet kisses, his hands tightening on my breasts tightly, but they did not hurt me, they gave me more pleasure.

he lowered his mouth and began sucking and biting my nipples, my hands gripping his strong arms, jungkook then grabbed my wrists and spread them over my head, holding me still, I looked at him in surprise.

"Grab the headboard and do not let go!" he ordered.

"why ?..."

Jungkook returned to one of my breasts and bitten one of my nipples harder, I arched my back in pain, but somehow that made me want more. I looked deep into his eyes and saw that he was still angry, so without question again I held firmly at the headboard.

he released my wrists and returned to focus on my body, sliding one of his hands between my legs, I was already so wet that he smiled contentedly against my belly that he kissed.

jungkook crouched down face to face with my sex, and without warning he licked me deeply, and in a muffled cry I arched my back and gripped the headboard with one hand, while the other came down immediately into his hair, grabbing he forcefully.

Jungkook caught my wrist and glared at me.

"I told you not to let go!" he looked at me. "if you let go again, you will not enjoy my angel ..." his voice was calm and stable with a tone of irony, but his eyes told me that he was angry and very horny.

I grabbed the iron again from the bed and held it more tightly, my eyes closed as I felt his tongue come back to me, he circled my clit with firm movements, he knew how I liked it, he knew what he was doing.

He sucked with desire making me delirious, my breathing was heavy when I felt the orgasm approaching, the cold in my belly, that good feeling of being in free fall, that was how I felt, free ...

I was screaming uncontrollably when the orgasm hit me, my whole body trembled in small spasms, glad that they had turned on the sound, so no one could hear my screams, he was really punishing me, because he did not stop sucking me, leaving my skin even more sensitive.

"Stop, I can not take it anymore ..." I said trying to catch my breath after a second orgasm, he had not stopped sucking me, which was driving me crazy.

"I need ... you ... inside me" I managed to say despite my dry throat.

jungkook was hard and I saw that he wanted to be inside me but he was punishing me, forcing me to be without him and teasing, he rubbed the head of his dick against my sensitive skin, he returned to hold my wrists when he saw that I no longer had the strength to hold me in the headboard.

Jungkook did not say anything, the only thing I heard was his panting, and without warning he sank all over me, making me scream in surprise, he did not move, he stood inside me.

"aah ... how good to be inside you yuju, you are delicious." he said against my ear.

he began to move slowly taking advantage of the feeling I also felt, the immense pleasure that was us both together at the same pace, slowly he increased his speed as he bit my shoulder.

I threw my head back, the pleasure was too great, I knew he was coming to a climax when he grabbed my waist and straightened so that he could push harder and faster, and at once his body contracted, he closed his eyes and moaned loudly, letting the air out.

his hands still clinging to my waist, he threw himself at me, his weight brought me comfort, and I hugged him and kissed his now sweaty hair, but I did not care.

"thanks!' I said still kissing his head.

"For what?" he raised his head to look at me.

"for making me happy and giving me pleasure!" I said smiling, he leaned toward my face.

"I have not even started!" he whispered against my mouth.

Living with Playboys 2|ENG version Where stories live. Discover now