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Guys read spoiled it is really good, spport me pleade (^^)/

"You should sell this car and buy a new one, or I can give you one!" Jungkook said as he hugged me from behind and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I looked at the car I had won from him in the bet we made before we even dated, it made me smile, every complication we had with jungkook's fear of relationship, he did not even look the same, now he is a strong man, dominant and self-possessed, and that was incredibly sexy.

"I do not know, I like him, he brings me good memories" we were watching laura play with the grass in the garden, she is having fun alone, she was a calm and very intelligent child, she had her father's eyes and rabbit teeth.

"We can always create new memories!" Jungkook said biting my ear slowly.

"Hmm ... I agree." I replied with a slight moan and smiled.

 "AHH !!!!" i screamed  "you know who will work with me?" I turned to him putting my arms around his broad shoulders, as I was lower than the normal models, I photographed more than paraded, but that was no problem for me.


"yoongi! He's going to be a model and will work with me in the next campaign." I said excitedly, jungkook simply raised an eyebrow and stared at me.

"what?" I asked.

"I can not imagine yoongi using on a underwear ..."

"why? you should, because that's how we're going to shoot, he in his underwear and me just in my panties!" I said leaving and left him in shock with laura.

"YOU WHAT??" he shouted, but I had already entered the house with a wicked smile, it was always fun to tease him.


"I'm ashamed..." Yoongi shrank into the robe over him, he was only wearing a black boxer.

"you get use to it ..." I said amused by his shyness, I had already gone through that, after my pregnancy I did much more campaign of panties and bra, my manager said it was good to show my body, who had recovered very fast with all the exercise I did.

well, she knew what was best for me, and she was always right, I felt a lot more confident with my body, and now I was used to it, but of course I did other types of campaigns as well.

"Yoongi takes off that robe" Cynthia shouted impatiently from the other side of the photo studio.

Yoongi slowly took off his robe and approached me.

"right, now put an arm on yuju's shoulder" the photographer guided. "yuju hugs yoongi's waist."

after four hours of rehearsal and I do not know how many pictures, we were exhausted, me and yoongi started laughing at each other's faces, we never thought we would see us so naked like that.

he is one of my best friends, we have no attraction to each other, in fact yoongi was already hitting on the assistant of the photographer who was a very sexy redhead.

"congratulations for the pictures." lost in my thoughts, I was frightened when a deep voice congratulated me, I turned back and almost fell from the heel. a huge man, thin but surely muscled, with brown hair stood behind me.

I swallowed, the guy was very sexy, but his eyes were not very friendly, which made me shiver, I tightened the robe around my body trying to somehow feel less exposed

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I swallowed, the guy was very sexy, but his eyes were not very friendly, which made me shiver, I tightened the robe around my body trying to somehow feel less exposed.

"Hello, I'm the owner of the Her & Him campaign you're posing." he said devouring me with his eyes, I was feeling uncomfortable the way he looked at me, it seemed that somehow he could read all my secrets.

"Ah!" I said, letting out the air I did not even know I was holding. "i'm peased sir ...?"

"Lee jong suk, but you can call me Lee, and the pleasure is all mine!" he took my hand and lifted it to his mouth to kiss it, my eyes widened at once and quickly I moved my hand away from his lips.

he noticed my discomfort and smiled slightly making me more timid.

"yuju look at this photo!" yoongi called me.

"Excuse me!" I said and he just nodded without taking his eyes off me.

"You're very ugly here!" Yoongi said laughing and pointing at the computer screen where the photos were displayed.

"shut up mr. stick!" he stopped laughing immediately and looked at me seriously.

"Just because I don't have a six pack like your husband, doesn't mean I'm not hot" he said, running his hand through his hair and making an overly rough pose.

"you are ridiculous!" I laughed out of his face.

"Yuju Mr. Lee would like to have dinner with us, he has some ideas that he want to discuss with us, you and yoongi!" Cynthia said it quietly as she fingered her cell phone.

but I felt tense just thinking about having to go out with him, I do not know what it was, but he made me tense, maybe it was because he is still staring at me and I was a publicly married woman!

"I don't want ..." I said softly.

"It was not a question!" Cynthia said cutting me, she was like that, short and thick, she looked like a robot, but she was a good person who always took care of me, so without much question I nodded and hope for the best.

Mr. Lee ... he looked so young to be called a mr., maybe three years older than me! without realizing it, he was already at my side again, and leaned in my ear to speak to me, he was very tall compared to me.

"I can not wait to eat you ... sorry! eat with you! I know a great restaurant." he whispered in my ear while the others were distracted. my body shivered but not in a good way, I cringed and stared at him as he walked away out of the studio.

damn ... what have I gotten myself into?

Living with Playboys 2|ENG version Where stories live. Discover now