1.By Chance

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❝Smile at strangers and you just might change a life.❞

—Steve Maraboli

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .*:☆゚. ───


I was walking down the street in 'Seoul's Shopping District', just looking at a few more things before I called it a day and went back to my hotel room. I was peeking in the windows of all these cute little shops and picking which stores I wanted to visit tomorrow.

After walking around for about half an hour or so, I had finally decided which stores I would go to tomorrow. "Well Y/N, I'd call that a good first day in Korea!", I thought to myself. I started heading back to the hotel.

10 minutes later
After a few minutes, I reached the street that the hotel was on. I look both ways and begin to cross the street. I walked happily through the crosswalk and spotted the hotel I was staying in, I began walking on the sidewalk heading where I needed to go & taking in the view and the delicious swell of Korean Barbecue.

As I was about to reach the entrance, I notice this guy, he was a few inches taller than me, slim but fit. He had grey dyed hair and was wearing a black shirt with the top two buttons undone so you could see the top of his collarbones & the gold chained necklace he was wearing underneath. He had black jeans and black leather jacket on as well, with a pair of black Christian Louboutin loafers on. I stopped admiring the man's outfit and finally looked at his face, he had porcelain-like skin and had light makeup on, which most people would probably think was weird, but it worked for him it wasn't glam or like anything I would wear, but it defined all of his facial features. "OH DEAR GOD! He's so hot!", I thought to myself.

After snapping back to reality I headed towards the hotel entrance, as I passed him he sweetly smiles at me and I smile back

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After snapping back to reality I headed towards the hotel entrance, as I passed him he sweetly smiles at me and I smile back. He went one direction and I went the other.

I entered the lobby and started heading towards the elevators. I pushed the button to go up and after a few seconds the door opens, and I walk inside. I waited about 5-10 seconds with my hand holding the door open and when no one came I pushed the button for the 11th floor.

A minute later the elevator stops on the 8th floor, and a rather tall man(around 6ft or so) walked in and slammed the button for the main floor...hard. I didn't look at him, one because I'd have to look up to see his face, and the second because he was giving me a bad vibe. You know that strange feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when something bad is about to happen. The elevator begins to go down to the main lobby completely skipping my floor, I would normally complain or swear or something, but in all honesty, I wanted to get away from this man as soon as possible. The door opens and he walks out and heads towards the front door. The vintage elevator doors closed and I let out a sigh of relief and hit the button for the 11th floor once again, but this time it goes straight to my floor without any interruptions. The elevator dings and I walk out into the hallway and begin to look for my room.

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