11.What Are We?

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❝I want to be in a relationship where you telling me you love me is just a ceremonious validation of what you already show me.❞

—Steve Maraboli

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

3 Weeks Later: local coffee shop


It's been almost a month since Yoongi and I slept together, and since then we've barely spent any time together. He's been busy with his gang and he's barely been at the penthouse. Not much has changed, I spend most of the day by myself, the only thing that's different now is that I can actually leave the hotel, that is as long as either Wonho or Yoongi is with me. So here I am on a beautiful Saturday at an outdoor cafe.

While I'm lost in thought, I'm snapped out of it when Wonho comes back with our order.

"Here's your coffee!", he says as he holds the cup out in front of me.

"Thank you.", I reply as I take my drink.

We sit there in silence for a while, until his phone rings. "Hello?", he answers, the person on the other end says something causing him to look up at me, "just a second boss.", oh so it's Yoongi. "Y/N I'll be right back.", he explains and excuses himself.

I'm starting to get really bored so I just stare at my coffee cup. I start to think about my current life situation, and wonder how in the hell I got myself in this situation, where I can't go anywhere without a bodyguard. I start to think about Yoongi, about what we did and what we were. The last thing I'm the most unsure of, what are we? What am I to him? Was it just sex or something more? So many questions, I have no clue where to start.

Suddenly I hear a voice say to me, "you know I heard staring at things like that isn't good for you.", says the unfamiliar male voice.

I look up and say, "Huh?!".

"You were just staring so intensely, I thought your eyes were gonna fall out", he says jokingly with a smile. I can't help but smile back and let out a small laugh at the adorable sight of his bunny-like smile. Too cute.

"No my eyes seem to be fine", I say as I wave my hand in my face, which causes him to laugh. I reach out my hand and introduce myself, "I'm Y/N!".

"I'm Jungkook!", he replies as he takes my hand and lightly shakes it.

I finally get a good look at the rest of him, he's a few inches taller than me. He's got caramel-colored skin, much like myself. He has dark brown hair, pierced ears, a leather jacket, and some jeans on. I have to admit he was really good-looking. I swear there's got to be something in the Korean water, 'cause I mean damn.

 I swear there's got to be something in the Korean water, 'cause I mean damn

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"It's nice to meet you Jungkook", I say as I let go of his hand.

"Can I join you?", he asks gesturing to the empty chair at my table.

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