4.The Bodyguard

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❝Every man I meet wants to protect me. I can't figure out what from.❞

—Mae West

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

8 am the penthouse.

I start to slowly wake up, from what I thought was a dream. I slowly open my eyes. Everything is blurry for a moment, but when everything becomes clear I realize that everything that happened yesterday had really happened. That's when I remember what Yoongi said, he said that I couldn't leave, he says it's not safe, but I've never relied on anyone and I'm not about to start now.

As I am lost in thought, suddenly I'm snapped out of it when I start to feel like someone is watching me. I slowly start to turn around, when I do there is a muscular man in a suit standing behind the couch I had been sleeping on. "*clears throat* Good morning Miss. Y/L/N", he says with a smile. I look up at him rather confused when it dawns on me, "he said my last name!", I think to myself, "how the hell does he know my last name?", I wonder.

"Umm...morning?", I say to the muscular man. I start to get off the couch to ask Yoongi who the hell this man was. I stop mid-stride, when I feel eyes on me again, I turn my body slightly, and I see the same man. I decide to brush it off and I continued heading to Yoongi's room. By the time I got near the kitchen, I realized he was following me. "Okay! This is so not cool!", I think to myself. I ran straight for Yoongi's room.

I burst into the room rather pissed that some dude was following me. "MIN YOONGI! Would you like to explain to me why this big dude is following me and how the hell he knows my-", I stop mid-sentence, because I realize that he's naked. "OH MY GOD!", I screech as I quickly slap my hand over my eyes, "I'm sorry! I should have knocked", I say rather embarrassed. I then turn with my eyes still covered, and start heading out the room. While I'm heading to the door, I accidentally bump into the wall, "ah shit", I said as I hit the wall breasts first. Then I feel my way out of the room, when I made it to the door, I grabbed the handle, walked out, and closed the door behind me.

Once I get the door shut, I lean against it, and I begin to blush. I gather my wits and head back to the living room. I pace around the room, I stop cause I feel the man behind me again. When I stop he stops too, when I move a little he moves a little. That's when I'd had it, "WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME?", I ask quite pissed off by this point.

"Because I told him to!", Yoongi says as he walks into the room, limping a little I'll add.

"What! Why?", I ask slightly yelling.

"I told you it wasn't safe and that I would protect you. But given I'm injured I wouldn't be able to protect you very well.", he explains.

"Umm, okay", I said.

"So I called Wonho here", he said while pointing to the muscular guy. "So from now on he will follow you, and protect you", he finishes saying. He heads towards the kitchen, I follow him to ask why this Wonho guy knew my last name.

"How does he know my last name?", I ask as I lean against the island counter.

He stops what he's doing, looks at me, and sighs, "I told him your last name".

"Oka-", I start to say until I realize that I didn't tell Yoongi my last name, "wait how do you know it?", I ask furrowing my brows.

"I did a background check on you.", he said plainly, like that's something that people do every day.

"Why would you do that?", I ask.

"I wanted to know who my rescuer was.", he starts to explain, "I needed to know who you were and if I could trust you".

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