20.Feel Safe

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❝Trust is believing "I will be safe with you".
Love is striving to keep the trust.❞

—Drishti Bablani

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Seoul, 2 days ago.

3rd person POV

Shownu stood in his office staring out the window at the cities skyline, he's interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Enter", he instructed.

The door opens and Kris Wu (aka Shownu's lackey)walks in with a tablet in his hand.

"Sir, they've finally stopped moving.", he said.

The superior sticks out his hand and takes the tablet, "Where are they? How long have they been there?", he questions.

"They're at Kim Seokjin's family vacation home, about 3 to 4 hours outside of Seoul. And they've been there for about 8 hours. Suho wanted to make sure they didn't go on the move again before he reported it to me.", Kris divulged.

"Well done, remind me to thank your boyfriend for his contribution to this gang.", replied Shownu.

"Yes sir, he'll be pleased.", he said, "Did you want me to tell Minhyuk and Kihyun to gather the boys to go get her?", he then asked.

"No no, let Agust, his girl, and his boys feel safe. Let them feel safe and sound for a few weeks, so when they least expect it that's when I'll make my move.", he answered.

"Very well sir. But can I ask you a question?", he questioned.

"You may", he replied.

"Usually when it comes to Agust D, you're not very patient, so why wait so long to get your revenge?", he inquired.

"The more time he spends with her, the more he gets to know her, the more he loves her, the more painful it will be for him once I take her from him.", he said menacingly.

"Makes sense. I'll be taking my leave, did you need anything else?", he asked.

"No, that'll be all.", he answered coldly. Kris bows and leaves the room.

Present-day, Jin's vacation home.


I lay in Yoongi's arms feeling comfortable and safe in his embrace. I snuggle closer and breathe him in, he smells good, a little sweaty but still good. I get lost in my thoughts and start to drift off until I come to the horrible realization that the last two times we had sex, he didn't pull out and we didn't use a fucking condom!

"Oh my god!", I screech as I push away from him.

"What?", he mumbles, eyes still closed tightly.

"You came in me! And you didn't use protection!", I exclaim.

His eyes shoot open, "Ah shit!", he curses when he realizes that I could be carrying a 'Lil Yoongi' right now. "You're not on the pill are you?", he inquires.

"No! Considering that before you I was an innocent flower...okay maybe not innocent, but a virgin nonetheless, I didn't have any reason to be on the pill!", I explain frantically.

He pauses for a moment, takes a deep breath, and looks back at me, "If you are pregnant, I promise I will take care of you.", he says. My heart flutters a little at his words.

"Aww that's sweet, but let's hope for our sake and more importantly a little Yoongi that I'm not..", I start to say and he looks sad when I say that. He goes to say something, but I continue with what I was trying to say before, "Hey, I'm not saying that I wouldn't want that. I'm just saying not now, not while we're in the middle of a war with Shownu. Okay?", I coo as I stroke his cheek with my thumb.

"You're right, it's not the best circumstance to bring a kid into. It's just I want that with you, you know?", he admits.

I smile and lightly stroke his arm with my fingers, "I want that with you too, I want everything with you

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I smile and lightly stroke his arm with my fingers, "I want that with you too, I want everything with you. We just need to be safe first.", I too admit.

He smiles and pulls me into a kiss, it was slow and passionate. Although as soon as I started to melt into the kiss, we're interrupted by Namjoon walking in, without even knocking I might add.

"Hey hyung, Jin wanted me to- OH, MY GOD! You're naked!", he hollered.


Yoongi rolls his body on top of mine to cover me from his friend's eyes, "DUDE! Get the fuck out.", he demands.

Namjoon has his eyes covered and starts to back out of the room, "I am so sorry hyung.", he says as he starts to close the door. But a second later he sticks his head back in, and with his eyes closed he adds, "Oh and by the way dinners ready.", he said and shut the door behind him.

Yoongi looks down at me and I can already tell that I'm as red as a tomato. He caresses my face, "you okay?", he asks.

"Does anyone you know, know how to fucking knock? Oh my god, I'm so embarrassed.", I exclaim as I cover my face with my hands.

"You don't need to be embarrassed baby, I love your body. But I'm definitely gonna have to have a serious talk with everyone, I guess they're not used to having a woman around.", he says trying to stifle his laughter.

We start to get up and start to get dressed in comfy clothes. He put on a T-shirt and some sweats and I put on a graphic tee and some yoga pants. Then we slip into our slippers and head to the kitchen for dinner.

We walk into the kitchen hand in hand, head towards the table, and sit down next to each other, everyone was already seated at the table except Jin, who came in with two bottles of wine. Everyone passes the bottle around and pours themselves a glass, when it gets to me I pour myself a glass and then hand the bottle back to Jin, completely bypassing Kookie.

"Hey! Noona you completely skipped me.", he pouts and crosses his arms.

"Oh yeah! You're not old enough to drink Kookie.", I say and start to sip my drink.

Everyone is trying to hold their laughter, everyone but Jungkook who looks annoyed, "Well I'm old enough in Korea noona!", he states and rolls his eyes.

"Oops sorry, I forgot.", I giggle. And Jin pours Kookie a glass too.

"Thanks, hyung.", he says and lifts the glass to his lips.

We all start digging into the very delicious meal that Jin made, they told the story of how they all came to know each other and how they became friends.

At some point I forgot why we were here, I feel safe and warm. These guys are starting to become my friends and I'm enjoying the time we have together. And I seem to have forgotten that there is someone out there who wants to kill all of the happiness that we're feeling, more precisely Yoongi's happiness.

I know that this safe feeling is temporary, but I can't help but wish for it to last.

End of chapter 20.

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