10.The Punishment

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❝A gentleman holds my hand.
A man pulls my hair.
A soulmate will do both.❞

—Alessandra Torre

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


[smut warning]

"Y-Yes...d-daddy I...understand", I struggle to say. Is he really not gonna let me cum? This is going to be extremely difficult.

He continues to rub my clit, he slows down and then speeds back up, I'm trying very hard not to cum, but he's not making it very easy.

He suddenly stops and pulls his hand out of my panties and turns me around. He snaps the waistband of my panties, "Take these off", he instructs. I comply and slide them off of my body. He then pulls his sweats down, revealing his hard member. He then turns me back around, smacks my ass, and without warning he thrusts into me.

"AHH SHIII-", I yelped.

He thrusts in and out of me, and I have to hold onto the counter to keep my balance. I start to feel a knot grow in my stomach, I try and hold it, but it's not working. Right, when I'm about to reach my high I feel my walls tighten around him.

"Not yet", he growls and he pulls out of me.

"Hhmm", I whine as I pout. He turns me around, lifts my right leg, and places it over his shoulder. He teases my clit with his tip, causing me to whimper, he smirks and slowly thrusts back in. It doesn't take long for my moans to echo throughout the kitchen, as he goes faster and deeper than before.

He grabs the back of my neck and places his forehead against mine and says, "Look at me, baby girl". I raise my gaze to meet his, but when I look at him I don't just see lust, I see something else. He slows down his pace and says, "I know...you think...I'm being mean", he grunts between thrusts. He slows his pace down even more, until he's barely moving, and continues, "But I want you safe Y/N".

I couldn't help but look at him intently, I was starting to understand why he was so angry last night, he was worried about me. I tilt my head slightly to the left and kiss him. He kisses me back roughly and begins to thrust again. Soon he hits my g-spot and I let out a loud gasp, he starts to go faster and faster. I grab his shoulders as I feel the knot growing again, getting bigger and bigger, I bit my bottom lip to try and hold it in.

He begins to rub his thumb against my clit, I can feel myself start to lose it, when he looks at me and growls, "Cum for me baby girl".

"C-Can I?", I whimper.

"You may. Cum for daddy!", he reassures.

And with the next thrust I come undone, "AHH F-FUUUCCK!", I moan, as I ride my high my right leg starts to shake and spasm. As I start to come back down from my high, he kisses my inner thigh, "Good girl", he praises.

He pulls out and puts my leg back on the ground, and starts stroking his dick. I slap his hand out of the way, he looks at me with a 'what the hell?' look on his face. I grab his hard member in my hand and start to stroke it for him. I add a little bit of pressure and pick up the pace a little, which earns me a raspy growl.

"Ahh shit!", he growls. He then crashes his lips into mine. I move my hand faster and rake my thumb over his head, "Fuck I'm gonna cum!", he grunts.

"Cum daddy!", I plead. With the next stroke, he releases his seed in my hand.

He pants and regains his breath, he takes my other hand in his and leads me to his shower. "Let's get cleaned up baby", he says as he takes off his shirt and throws it on the floor, "lift your arms", he instructs. I lift my arms and he takes his shirt off of me. He turns on the water and pulls me inside.

End of chapter 10.

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