18.The Incident

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❝There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.❞

—Laurel K. Hamilton

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


"What happened?", he asked in a soft tone.

"I-I-I can't!", I stuttered out as I turned the other way, not wanting him to see me like this. I may be mad at him but I still love him.

"Hey. You know you can tell me anything right?", he says as he places his index finger under my chin and turns my head back to face him.

"W-when I...", I started to say until I stopped mid-sentence, not wanting to recall such a horrible part of my life.

He reaches out and intertwines our hands, "It's okay, take your time.", he says reassuringly.

I take a deep breath, "When I was 17, I had been dating this guy.", I say and take another breath before continuing, "We didn't date very long, maybe 3 weeks tops. He was too clingy, always breathing down my neck, telling me who I could and couldn't see, what I could and couldn't wear. But I wasn't having it, he was more fucking controlling than my parents were when I was a preteen.", I explained.

"Guy sounds like a real fucking asshole", he commented.

"As annoyingly controlling as he was...that's not the bad part. The bad part is what happened after I dumped him.", I stated and then I told him everything.


January 3rd, 2013-
My mom and I had just arrived back home after spending Christmas with the whole family, it was rare that we all got together in the same place, so it was special. When we got home I was so tired from being on a plane for 8hrs, so I went straight to bed.

When I woke up the next morning, a few things in my room were moved from where they usually were. I didn't pay too much attention to it because I figured I must've done it when I was packing before we left. I got up and went to school just like any other Monday, although I was not looking forward to it.

For the next few weeks, I continued my usual schedule.

January 18th, 2013-
I was getting ready to go over to my best friend's house for the weekend, we were gonna have a girl weekend or something, to be honest, I don't remember. It was after school so I just ran through the house getting everything I needed and putting it in my overnight bag. I was halfway down the stairs when I realized I didn't have my phone, so I quickly ran back up to get it. I grabbed it and put it in my back pocket, which I never did, but for some reason, I did that day.

When I looked back up I saw someone standing behind me in the mirror. He rushed to me, grabbed me, and put his hand over my mouth.

"HHMMM!", I tried to scream.

"No one can hear you pumpkin. You're all alone.", he breathed into my ear. When he called me pumpkin I realized who it was. I grabbed his arms and pushed him into the wall behind us, then I elbowed him in the ribs, which got him to let go.

I quickly made my way around him and started to head towards my bedroom door, but before I could he grabbed me and pushed me down onto the bed. He was pinning me down, but I was not gonna go down without a fight, I kicked his groin as hard as I could, but given I didn't have much room I more or less nut-checked him. I pushed him off me and bolted down the stairs, I opened the door and ran out. About halfway down the walkway, he grabbed me and cupped his hand over my mouth, but he had a cloth in his hand this time. I tried to fight him, but he just pushed the cloth closer, and soon after everything went black.

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