28.Not A Happy Ending

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Up in the air - 6 hours later

I'm currently in the midst of a bad dream, a dream that I've had throughout my entire life, I'm falling off of a very very tall building. I only ever have this dream when I'm really stressed or something new is happening in my life. I know that it's just my subconscious trying to work out my underlying fear of losing control, but it still freaks me out every time. Right when I hit the ground I usually feel myself land on my bed as I wake up. But this time as I hit the ground, it feels like I'm being caught by Yoongi as my eyes begin to open. I shoot up and try and catch my breath. [a/n: this is actually a reoccurring dream I've had for the past 10yrs.]

Suddenly I can feel Yoongi's hand rubbing the small of my back, "Hey shh. It's okay baby, it was just a bad dream. You're safe.", he coos into my ear. It's comforting, I'm usually all alone when I have this dream, so it's nice that he's with me this time.

I snuggle into his left side, "Thank you. Sorry if I startled you, it's just...that was really an unsettling dream.", I stated. And he intertwines his long pale fingers with my smaller tan ones.

 And he intertwines his long pale fingers with my smaller tan ones

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[A/N: any art in this chapter doesn't belong to me. I found them all on google images.]

"You wanna talk about it?", he asks as he rubs the pad of his thumb over the back of my hand. I nod slightly.

"Since I was twelve I've had this reoccurring dream, that I'm free falling off of an insanely tall building, and when I hit the ground I land in my bed.", I explained. "Except this time I landed on you.", I added whilst lightly giggling.

"Do you have it a lot?", he asks, curiosity layering his voice.

I shake my head, "No, only if I'm super stressed, or if I'm going through major life changes.", I answered.

"Like me moving in with you? And us being engaged?", he asks, sounding a little sad.

I lift my hand and caress his right cheek, "I'm just nervous that's all.", I explain myself so he doesn't get the wrong idea. Then I add, "and I'm really excited!", I say sounding giddier than I wanted to.

He flashes me his beautiful gummy smile and says, "Really?!", he asks happily surprised. I nod excitedly.

"Yup! My mom is really exited to meet you too. And as for my dad...well to be honest he'll probably question you, but you'll be fine.", I reply.

He raises a brow at my last sentence, "what is he like super protective or something?", he inquired.

"Only because I'm the baby out of all of my siblings. But don't worry babe, okay? He may try to intimidate you, but he's really just a giant teddy bear.", I explain and he nods in response.

"Okay good.", he lowly chuckles. He untwined our fingers and puts his arm around me and pulls me closer and puts a blanket over us.

I kiss his cheek and then rest my head on his chest, "I love you Yoongi.", I whispered. "I love you too Y/N.", he rasps and kisses my forehead.

Not long after we fall asleep, only waking when the stewardesses and stewards started handing out dinner and drinks to everyone. We eat and drink and talk about our plans for when we get to Seattle, and our plans for our future together. Good plans. Beautiful plans, that I can't wait to experience with him. I love Yoongi so much and I am more than excited to start our lives together.

"To our happy ending.", he says as he clinks his champagne glass against mine.

"No not a happy ending.", I retort and he raises a brow at my statement. "Not a happy ending, but a happy beginning.", I continued and he smiles at me and pecks my lips.

"To our happy beginning.", he coos before sweetly and passionately kissing me.

We down our champagne, then he caresses my thigh underneath the blanket. He inches closer to my core before coming to a complete stop. He leans in close and seductively whispers into my ear, "You wanna join the mile high club?", he asks while waggling his eyebrows up and down.

"Su-", I start to answer, but I'm suddenly hit by this wave of nausea. I slap my hand over my mouth, "oh my god I'm gonna puke!", although the sound is muffled, I shout as I signal people to get out of the isle.

I cut in front of this lady, she starts to tell me off until she sees me puking my guts out. She goes to get a stewardess but Yoongi tells her he's with me.

"It's okay baby, I got you.", he says comfortingly as he rubs the small of my back and takes my hair out of my hand and holds it for me with his other hand.

What a way to start our happy beginning, vomiting my guts out in a cramped airplane restroom. So romantic...said no one ever. I mean it's definitely gotta be something I ate. Right?

To be continued...

a/n: Sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger guys

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a/n: Sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger guys. This part of their story is over and a new one is beginning. Plus if I continued the story in this book it'd be hella fucking long and the title wouldn't really make any sense. So stay tuned because I'm starting book 2 now. And thank you all so much for reading and voting for this story xx

— Taylor

Book 2 coming soon.

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