19.Beg For It

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❝Those sweet lips. My, oh my, I could kiss those lips all night long.
Good things come to those who wait.❞

—Jess C. Scott

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
[A/N: Blue-haired Yoongi is EVERYTHING!]

[Yoongi's hair will be this color for the rest of the story, lightening to his current color, cause blue hair fades quickly

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[Yoongi's hair will be this color for the rest of the story, lightening to his current color, cause blue hair fades quickly.]

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The next morning.


It was around 9 am or so, and everyone was still asleep, everyone except me that is. I was bored and still a little mad, so I decided to get a little payback. I was gonna get Yoongi for drugging me, in a way I knew he wouldn't like.

I scoot back a little bit so that my ass was against his crotch, and I started to move my hips in small circles. As I grind into him, I hear his breath hitch, which only encourages me to go faster. I hear a low moan escape through his lips. His mouth was now slightly open, and he was beginning to breathe harder. I could tell he was getting turned on, I changed my hip direction from circles to up and down.

After a few more passes over his now hard-clothed member, I feel his hand grab my hip and slightly hinder my movements. "Baby...what...are...you doing?", he asked breathily in between moans.

"Just waking you up.", I say sweetly.

"By rubbing your ass against my dick?", he questions. And even though I'm facing away from him, I can tell he's got an eyebrow raised.

"Well, you've been a very bad daddy!", I say lustfully.

He turns my body to face him and places his left hand on my waist, "Y/N I'm sorry about yesterday bu- Ah fuck!", he starts to apologize until I start palming his member.

"Does that feel good daddy?", I ask seductively. He bites his lip to keep in his moan, I place my mouth on his neck and started sucking and nipping at the flesh.

"Fuck babe!", he growled. I shoved my hand into his sweats and then slipped my hand into his underwear. I pull my hand out and lick my palm and start to stroke his dick, fast. He lets out a low groan, "Fuck I think I'm gonna cum!", he grunts in between strokes.

Right when I can tell that he's about to release, I pull my hand out and give him a light peck on the cheek. "I'm hungry, I'm gonna go and make breakfast for everyone!", I say cheerfully. I roll my body to the edge of the bed, hop out of bed and slip into my slippers and start heading to the door. When I get to the door I turn back to him, he looks like I just killed his dog or something, he was literally pouting. How cute. "Have fun getting rid of that!", I add while pointing at his hard-on.

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