8.I Want To But...

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❝I know this sounds incredibly lame,
but I don't want losing my virginity
to feel like I'm losing something.
I want it to feel like I'm finding something.
I want sex to be amazing.
I want it to be life-alteringly wonderful.
And I want it to happen with someone I love.❞

—Sonya Sones

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

10 am: the penthouse


I slowly start to open my eyes, I begin to sit up and stretch out. But my range of motion isn't very big, then I realize that I fell asleep in my dress. So I get up, drop my dress to the floor and go hop in the shower.

After I was all fresh and clean, I hopped out and got ready. Once I was done getting ready I grabbed a pair of jean shorts and a graphic tee and put them on.

I walk out of my room and head to the kitchen. I head to the fridge and grab out a carton of juice, I shift a little to the side and reach into one of the cupboards for a glass. I'm about to start pouring myself a glass when I feel someone put their hands around my waist. So I put down the carton and start to turn around.

"Hey, don't stop on my account!", says Yoongi as he gives me a little smirk.

"Yoongi, what're you doing?", I ask.

"Picking up where we left off. Why, do you not want to?", he asked whilst looking at me lustfully.

I look at him, pause for a moment and start to say, "I want to but-", but I stopped halfway through my sentence, as I looked away.

He puts his index finger underneath my chin and turns my head to face him. "But what?", he asks as he looks at me intently.

I hesitate for a moment before I say what I'd been wanting to say for a while. "I-I want to know what you've been hiding from me!", I blurt out.

He lets go of my waist and backs up a little bit. "Y/N I don't think that's a good idea.", he says.

"What are you so afraid to tell me? Don't I have the right to know?", I ask. He was about to answer until I cut him off before he could say anything, "You made me stay here. You pulled me away from my life, my job, my family. And I want. No I need to know why!", I demanded.

"You're right, you're absolutely right. You deserve to know", he answered. "But you may not like the truth that you hear.", he warned.

"I don't care!", I said bluntly.

"Okay, then here goes nothing", he said.

Over the next hour or so he tells me all about the X Clan, and how he's the leader. I'd already guessed he was in a gang, but he didn't know that. He told me all about his and Shownu's rivalry, about how he turned one of his own against him, and how that one took two others with him. He explained to me who the Serpent Gang was and how dangerous they were. He told me about how he ran his business, and how he'd never stooped to Shownu's level to get what he wanted.

Out of everything he said to me today, there was one thing I wasn't expecting, "Y/N, I don't want you to get hurt because of me. Shownu hates me, and he wants to take anything or anyone that means something to me", he started to explain, "and that includes you.", he added.

"I mean something to you?", I ask because I'm not entirely sure I heard him correctly.

"You do.", he answered.

I caress the side of his face with my right hand, he looks at me in surprise, "You mean something to me too", I admit.

He pulls me over to his side of the couch and looks at me, "Y/N", he says my name in a deep raspy voice. He leans in and connects his lips with mine.

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