17.Into Hiding

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❝You get to hit the hardest when trying to run or hide from a problem. Like the defense on a football field, putting all focus on evading only one defender is asking to be blindsided.❞

—Criss Jami

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

8 am on the road


My eyes start to slowly open, I'm a little sore and it feels like I'm in a car, judging from the constant rocking. My eyes fully open and I start to sit up, when my vision becomes clear, I see that I am surrounded by nothing but trees instead of the cityscape of Seoul.

"What the fu-", I start to ask. When I'm suddenly cut off by someone placing their hand on mine, it's pale and veiny, it's Yoongi's without a doubt.

"It's okay baby.", he says. I turn to him and I see Wonho sitting next to him looking out the window.

"Where are we? What's going on?", I ask nervously.

"We're outside of Seoul and...I'm getting you as far away from Shownu as possible.", he explained hesitantly.

I lift my left arm to run my fingers through my hair, "Ah fuck!", I hissed. I look down at my arm and there was a huge bruise in the center of my arm, "Oh my god!", I screeched.

"Sorry about the bruise, I think I popped one of your blood vessels.", he said matter of factly.

"How the hell did you do that?!", I asked slightly yelling.

"I uh...s-sedated you", he stuttered, "well actually Jin sedated you because I fucked it up royally.", he added.

I quickly pull my hand out from under his, "YOU FUCKING DRUGGED ME?!", I yelled, which caused everyone that was in the car to jump. Which was Yoongi, Wonho, Jungkook, and myself, with Jin driving.

"I-I'm sorry baby I-", he started to apologize.

"Don't fucking 'baby' me! I can't believe you did that. When we get to wherever we're going I am booking the first flight back to Seattle I can get!", I shout. He went to say something but I interjected before he could, "Don't you say a fucking thing Min Yoongi!", I commanded sternly.

The rest of the drive to our destination was silent, not a single word was spoken. While the car behind us was blasting music and you could tell they were having a good time. After about 45 minutes or so we pull up to this house that was surrounded by trees, it was beautiful, but I was so pissed I just looked at it for a second and then got out of the car as quickly as possible. I briskly walk to the front door and wait for someone to open the door, I'm facing the driveway and watch as all the guys get out of the cars(which were range rovers in case you were wondering). Finally, Jin makes it to the door and unlocks it for me and I run inside.

Jin's family vacation home:

Yoongi's POV

Y/N ran into the house, Jungkook and Hoseok soon followed acting like excited kids in a toy store and touching everything.

"Don't touch that, it's an antique you heathens!", Jin-Hyung yelled as he pushed his way past me.

Once I got inside I looked around for Y/N, to apologize for basically drugging her. I knew she would be upset, but what I didn't understand is why she was so upset or I should say pissed off. I need to find her and I need to fix this because I can't lose her, I love her too much.

I walk into the living room and look around and see Tae and Jungkook hanging out and looking at something on Tae's phone.

I walk into the living room and look around and see Tae and Jungkook hanging out and looking at something on Tae's phone

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[like this but w/tan exposed wood walls]

"Have either of you seen her?", I ask as I look down at the youngers.

"Who Y/N noona?", asked Tae.

"No, fucking Santa Claus. Yes Y/N!", I said sarcastically, slightly raising my voice.

"She's out by the pool.", Jungkook answered as he pointed to the backyard.

"Thanks, Kook!", I said as I quickly went outside to find her.

She was sitting on an outdoor couch by the pool, with her head in her hands. I slowly walk towards her, I stop once I'm in front of her.

"Go away Yoongi.", she says, I can tell she's rather annoyed.

"Look...I know you don't want to talk to me. I know what I did was fucked up, and I am so sorry.", I said pausing for a moment to take a breath. "I shouldn't have done that to you, and I know that", I added.

"Well why did you?", she asked coldly. I hate the feeling of her being mad at me.

"I don't know, I guess I just thought you'd be safer if you didn't know where you were going.", I explain.

"That...is...the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life!", she vocalized.

"Y/N.", I exhaled, "Pl-ease don't leave.", I plead, holding back tears. I really don't want her to go.

She scoffs a tad, "Well you should have thought of that before you drugged me.", she said. I was going to say something but she cut me off before I could, "After everything I've been through...how dare you do that to me!", she says as she stands up and starts poking me in the chest. "You...you were the one person I...I thought would n-never hurt me. I guess...I was wrong.", she struggled to say as she began to cry.

"Hey...shh shh! Don't cry baby please.", I said trying to calm her down. I guide her back to the couch and sit down next to her. "You're right I had no right to do that, especially after what Shownu did.", I said.

"W-What? Shownu? You think t-this is about Shownu?", she asked as she turned towards me.

"Well...isn't it?", I asked in response.

"No! Didn't you look up my past? How do you not know what I'm talking about?", she asked while looking at me as if I should have known, but I didn't.

"Well yeah but...", I started.

"But what?", she questioned.

"There were things I couldn't- well I should say that Suho couldn't find out.", I stated, she raised her brow and gives me a 'go on continue' look. "There were things in your records that were heavily redacted. So much so some of my best hackers couldn't find it.", I explained.

"So you d-don't know what happened in my senior year?", she asked.

I shake my head, "No I don't.", I answered. I look at her and ask, "What happened?".

End of chapter 17.

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