27.Saying Goodbye

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❝The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected. Maybe they always have been and will be. Maybe we've lived a thousand lives before this one and in each of them, we've found each other. And maybe each time, we've been forced apart for the same reasons. That means that this goodbye is both a goodbye for the past ten thousand years and a prelude to what will come.❞

—Nicholas Sparks

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

A few days later - December 30th, 2017.


The past few days have consisted of the following:
1. Taking the boys to the hospital to get patched up(I literally had to drag their asses, especially Yoongi's. Wonho was the only one who didn't put up a fight, but I think that was mostly because he was too tired to).
2. Getting yelled at by my mom over the phone, about how I basically dropped off the face of the earth for 3 months. (to be fair she had every right to be mad, she was worried sick about me. And now I feel guilty ad. But when I told her the reason I had been "missing" is that I met someone, she wasn't as mad and wants to hear all about him).
3. Spending as much time as we can together before I head back home.
4. Helping Yoongi pack everything but his furniture.
And now today is our last night in Seoul, and it also happens to be Taehyung's birthday. So we decided to go out as a group and celebrate with everyone and bid them all a farewell.

We're currently at Tae's favorite restaurant, and the waitress just delivered our drinks. We raise our glasses and I begin to make a toast, "First I want to say happy birthday Tae Tae.", I started off and he replied with a 'thank you noona'. "And second I want to say that...", I trail off a bit as I'm getting a bit choked up. I try and clear my throat but it doesn't help, and a lone tear falls.

"Aww, it's okay baby. Don't cry.", Yoongi said as he rubbed my thigh in comfort. I wipe the tear away, nod, and continue with the toast.

"I wanted to say that...that I am so happy and grateful that I met all of you. I couldn't ask for better friends, and I am gonna miss you guys like crazy.", I say and add one more thing, "now let's toast to the end of the burning bag of dog shit left on your porch that was 2017 and the new beginning that is 2018.", I deadpanned and everyone burst into laughter and we clinked our glasses together and enjoyed the rest of the night.

Time skip - almost midnight

Yoongi and I got back to the penthouse at almost midnight, we headed straight for the bedroom and got ready for bed. We crawl under the covers and snuggle up to each other, my head buried in his chest. I have a lot of things on my mind, and there's just one thing I need to know the answer to.

I shift my body a bit so that I'm looking at him. "Yoongi?", I whisper, breaking the silence that had filled the room. He hummed in response. "I need to ask you something, it's important.", I said.

"What is it baby girl?", he asks as he opens his eyes and looks into mine.

"Are y-you sure that you want to come back with me?", I ask. I want him to come with me, I want to live with him in a place that we chose together.

"What? Of course, I do.", he stated as he tucked a stray hair behind my ear and caresses my face. He then continues, "I told you, I just want to be with you. And I don't care if it's across the world or to outer space I'd follow you anywhere.", he says and I can't help but smile.

"Outer space huh?", I giggle.

"You making fun of me baby girl?", he asks with an eyebrow raised.

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