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❝I'm not the jealous type,
but what's mine is mine.
End of story.❞

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

10 am - Jin's vacation home

Yoongi's POV
I start to sit up and let my eyes adjust to the light and once my vision is clear I look next to me to give my baby a kiss, but she's not there. I think it's a bit weird but I just brush it off and get out of bed and got and hop into the shower.

30 minutes later.
I finish getting dressed and fixing my hair and head out towards the kitchen to get something to eat. On my way to the snack cupboard, I see everyone looking at me.

"What?", I asked.

No answer.

"Guys why are you fucking starring at me?", I question sternly.

"N-No reason hyung...you look so handsome today hyung. You know?", said Tae timidly. He's definitely hiding something and he's a horrible liar.

"I know I'm handsome, this isn't new information. Now you want to tell me why you're lying to me Taehyung?", I retort in a serious tone. He gulps and sinks into his seat. Yeah, I'm definitely not getting anything out of him.

"Yoongi-ssi I'll tell you why everyone's acting a little strange. But you have to promise not to get mad if I do.", Jin-hyung compromises.

"Okay I promise...now tell me!", I said.

"Well with what happened last night I'm a bit apprehensive to tell you this, but I'm hoping you're sober enough to use commonsense.", hyung starts and looks at me. I nod at him signaling him to continue, "Wonho took Y/N out so she's not here.", he says. I don't know why he thinks I would get mad, she's allowed to go out she's not a prisoner.

"Okay?!", I chuckle slightly.

"Yoongi-hyung! Haven't you noticed that someone else isn't here either?", chimed in Namjoon.

I look at everyone and that's when it hits me, "where the fuck is Kook?", I ask whilst biting the inside of my cheek and scoffing lightly.

I look at everyone and that's when it hits me, "where the fuck is Kook?", I ask whilst biting the inside of my cheek and scoffing lightly

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"He...went with them.", answered hyung hesitantly.

"WHAT?!", I shout. How dare he go out with my girlfriend and not ask me first.

Everyone quickly rose to their feet and walked towards me, "Woah!", they all vocalized at the same time.

"Calm down, hyung!", Jimin says as he tries to calm me down.

Everyone is saying something or another about how I shouldn't hurt Jungkook and blah blah blah. Because I can't listen to them anymore without causing myself permanent brain damage, I unclench my fists and let out a sigh, "I'm not gonna hurt him. I'm okay. I'm good don't worry.", I say as I put my hands up slightly in surrender. They seem to buy it and they soon leave me alone.

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