12.You're My Girl

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❝Because you're not a one-night girl Irish.' Leaning in to place a kiss on my jawline he whispers, 'You're my forever girl.❞

—K.A. Tucker

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

In Yoongi's car

Yoongi's POV

"W-What are we?", she asks.

I look at her and I sweep the hair out of her face, "You're my girl", I said. She looks up at me with the most adorable expression I've ever seen.

"Really?!", she cheerfully questions.

I pull her close a give her a soft peck on the lips, "Really.", I answered. She reaches over and intertwines our fingers, her hand fitting ever so perfectly into mine.

 She reaches over and intertwines our fingers, her hand fitting ever so perfectly into mine

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"I'm sorry, that I took my frustrations out on you.", she apologizes.

"How can I stay mad, when you're so cute!", I say as I tap my index finger on her nose. Which causes her to giggle.

"Do you have to go back soon?", she asks me.

"No. And I'm where I want to be right now.", I said. Then I get a little more serious, "Y/N, I just want to be with you.", I admit.

"I want to be with you too.", she says, causing me to smile. "Let's go home.", she suggests.

"Okay baby!", I reply as a kiss the back of her hand and start the car.

10 minutes later: on the road

"Y/N?", I say breaking the silence.

"Hmm", she hums in response.

"What were you and Jungkook talking about?", I ask.

"Why?", she replies.

"O-Oh I was just wondering", I answered, trying to hide my jealousy.

"We talked about music and stuff. What were you jealous or something?", she answers.

I scoff a little, "No, I wasn't jealous.". For the record I was jealous, but I wasn't gonna tell her that.

"What every you say", she says shaking her head and smirking at me. She's so on to me.


After about 20 minutes or so we arrive back at the penthouse. We walk off the elevator together, he lets go of my hand and flops onto the couch.

"You wanna watch Netflix or something?", he asks.

"Yeah! I'll go grab some snacks.", I suggest.

I head towards the kitchen and grab some snacks for us. When I'm happy with the number of snacks in my hands I head back to the couch. When I get there I don't see him, so I place our food down and call out for him.

"Yoongi? Where did you go?", I ask, there's no answer so I figured he was in the bathroom or something. So I decide to go get into some PJs for the best viewing experience.

I get changed into some of my favorite Victoria's Secret PJs and put my hair up in a bun.

I get changed into some of my favorite Victoria's Secret PJs and put my hair up in a bun

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(Your PJs)

Once I finish tying my hair up I see something in front of my face. It's a necklace, I turn around and see Yoongi standing there with a smile on his face. It was so cute and gummy, ah my heart.

"What's this?", I ask.

"It's a present for my baby girl", he says as he places it around my neck.

I look down at it and it's beautiful, I love it, but a part of me feels like I shouldn't accept the gift

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I look down at it and it's beautiful, I love it, but a part of me feels like I shouldn't accept the gift.

"Yoongi. I don't think I should-", I start to say.

"No, you're my girl, and I want you to keep it.", he explains. He comes closer to me and leans in and kisses me. He pulls away and whispers in my ear, "and I want everyone to know, that you're Min Yoongi's girl.". I couldn't help but blush.

I wrap my arms behind his neck and peck his cheek, "I love it! Thank you!", I reply thankfully.

"Now let's go watch a movie baby.", he suggested. I nod in response, and he grabs my hand and we head back to the living room.

We snuggle up on the couch and start watching 'The Beauty Inside'. Being in his arms made me feel safe and warm, and almost halfway into the movie, I fall asleep.

Yoongi's POV

I can't believe she fell asleep on me. I look down at her all curled up to me, and I can't help but smile. She looks so angelic and pure. I lean down a bit and kiss the top of her head. I gently pick her up bridle style and take her to her room. I lay her down and cover her up, she settles in and curls up into a ball. So cute. I brush the baby hairs out of her face and leave a peck on her forehead, "Goodnight Y/N, I love you", I whisper. The only reason I could say that is because she was unconscious, if she was awake there'd be no way I could say that I love her.

I stand up and head back to the living room, and I start putting away the snacks we didn't eat. I'm interrupted when I heard the elevator door open. I turned around and saw Wonho standing there holding someone, I realized who he was holding when I saw the person's bracelet. It was Jungkook. Oh dear god, what happened?

End of chapter 12.

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