3.Stop Staring

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❝I am intrigued by the smile upon your face, and the sadness in your eyes.❞

—Jeremy Aldana

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

11 pm -The Penthouse


"Yeah...I'm not doing that!", I say in protest.

"Oh come on!", Yoongi pleads, "how else am I gonna get them off, I can barely walk?", he asks.

"I'm not taking your clothes off for you, so you can forget it", I declared.

"Come on, I promise we'll never talk about it ever. Now can you please help me with my pants?", he asks.

After several minutes of convincing.

"ALRIGHT! Fine I'll do it, but you're unbuttoning them yourself!", I say assertively.

Yoongi lays back on the bed, unbuttons and unzips his pants, looks at me, and says, "I'm ready!".

"What are you a toddler?", I say mockingly. "Alright let's get this over with", I voiced my distaste for the current situation.

I start pulling on his pant legs, and they won't budge. "Oh come on you piece of shit, MOVE!!", I say as I'm starting to get rather frustrated. I look up at Yoongi and say, "You know that your arms still work right? Cause I could use your help here!".

"Yeah I know they work, I was just enjoying your struggle", he taunted.

"You know you might wanna be a little nicer, especially considering I've got a straight shot to your balls", I state in a threatening tone.

"Okay, point taken", he said. He then tries lifting his hips so he can start to push them down a bit. "AHH FUCK!", he roars.

"Stop. Stop. You're gonna hurt yourself!", I exclaimed. I pushed his hips down, and I slink over him and grabbed the hem of his jeans.

Yoongi's POV

She is hovering over me, cleavage in front of my face...again, and her hands on the waist of my pants. She pulls on my waistband and starts to pull them down. As she is shimmying my pants down, her tits start to shake, "Look away Yoongi. Don't look.", I say to myself trying not to get turned on. I don't know what it is about her, but she makes me feel weird, and not a bad weird but a good weird.

"YAH! STOP STARING AT THEM!!', she shrieked at me.

"Sorry, I can't help it there in front of my face!", I explain.

"And what do you think?", she questions me. I look at her with a questioning look, "Well since you're staring, I'd like to at least know what you think of them", she says bluntly.

"Really?!", I ask a little bit surprised at her bluntness.

"Really", she replies with a nod and a smirk.

I clench my jaw and I admit, "T-they're amazing".

"Do you want to touch them?", she asks me.

"I-I don't know if that's a good idea Y/N!", I caution.

She gets on top of my lap, leans in, and whispers in my ear. "Touch me, daddy!".

I look up into her eyes, and they are full of lust. I grab the back of her neck and pull her into a steamy kiss.

"Mhm, do I make daddy feel good?", she seductively whimpered, as she rubbed herself against my member.

"yes you make daddy feel real good", I grunted.

"Yoongi. Mhm Yoongi", she moans.

"YAH YOONGI!!", I hear her yelling and I'm snapped out of my daydream(Sorry to tease you guys).

"Hm-Yeah?", I say, not entirely coherent yet.

"I got your sweats on, you can change your shirt now", she explains, "I'll step out to give you some privacy. Okay!", she says and walks towards the bedroom door.

"You can't leave", I blurted out.

She lightly giggles and says, "I'm not leaving silly, I'm just gonna go sit on the couch. Relax".

"Oh. Okay.", I say with a sigh of relief.

She smiles and walks out the door.

I unbutton my shirt as quickly as possible, once I get it undone I slide it off my shoulders and toss it on the floor. I slowly stand up and wince a little, but I ignore it and grab the T-shirt Y/N laid out for me. I put my arms inside and slowly pull it over my head. I then head towards the living room.


I'm sitting on the couch in this gigantic living room, with windows that went straight to the ceiling. I take in the view of Seoul's beautiful skyline as I wait for Yoongi.

A few minutes later he walks into the room, well actually he limps into the room. He slowly made his way towards me, after about 30 or so seconds he plops down on the couch and lets out a deep sigh.

We sit in awkward silence for a few moments, but I feel his eyes lingering on me. I to face him, "Stop. Staring", I demanded.

"Eh-. Sorry, I didn't mean to stare, I was just trying to figure out—", he started to say until he stopped mid-sentence.

"Figure out what?", I ask, genuinely curious about what he was going to say.

"Thank you.", he replied with a deep raspy tone in his voice.

Instead of saying 'you're welcome', I decided to say something else, "why do I get the feeling that you don't say that very often?", I questioned the man.

"Because. I don't", he simply stated.

I observed the man sitting next to me, he had this look in his eyes that I hadn't noticed before, the look of pain. And not physical pain, unlike his current situation. It was emotional pain, a pain that I knew all too well.

After I had been looking at him for some time, he must've noticed I'd been watching him. He laughs a little nudges me, and said, "now look who's staring". I quickly look away, but it was too late, he'd already seen me.

As I sit on the couch, I can't help but think that this is going to be very awkward. As I lay my head back I can't help but say to myself, "let the awkwardness begin", and as I started to let my thoughts wander, my eyes become heavy and I quickly fall sound asleep.

End of chapter 3.

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