21.Drunken Rage

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❝If getting drunk was how people forgot they were mortal, then hangovers were how they remembered

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❝If getting drunk was how people forgot they were mortal, then hangovers were how they remembered.❞

—Matt Haig

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

9 pm Jin's vacation home

Looking back at the past few hours, I've realized that we should've all cut Yoongi off. Currently, my boyfriend is knocked out on the floor, whilst Jungkook has a bloody nose. Okay, let me back up a little to when it started and how the hell we ended up here.


1 hour earlier - you need to slow down

The guys and I are all just hanging out in the living room talking and drinking, just having a good time. I'm on like my third glass of wine and so is everyone else, except for Yoongi that is. He's on his fifth glass, and I can tell he is drunk now, he reaches for the bottle again until I place my hand on his forearm to stop him.

"Hey, you need to slow down", I cautioned him.

"I-I dntt need to listen to you. I want moe.", he slurred out. I try and get him to stop, but it's no use so I let go of his arm. About half an hour later I realized that was a mistake.

Kookie and I were on one of the couches looking at videos on YouTube with my phone. We were showing each other some of our favorite artists, he showed me some of his favorite Korean ones, and I showed him some of my favorite American ones. He turned off the current music video we were watching(Real by NF) and turned to ask me something.

"Noona, why did you come to Korea anyway?", he questions with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

"Well...I've always wanted to see Seoul. Experience the culture, the music, and most importantly the food.", I start to explain which earns me a low chuckle from the maknae. "And in all honesty, I wanted a change of scenery. As much as I love Seattle, I needed to see something else. Somewhere not so close to home you know?", I added.

He nods and replies, "I get how that feels, I've always wanted to see the world. But I just haven't gotten the chance yet.", he says. He turns even more towards me and continues, "So noona! What's Seattle like anyway? And that's the place with the huge needle right?", he asks and I can't help but giggle at his adorableness.

"It's called the space needle Kookie. And Seattle's nice, it's got some of the best coffee, a great music scene, great architecture. They're people from all different walks of life, colors, cultures, and religions. Although the weather could be better, I love the rain so it doesn't bother me really.", I explained.

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