15.United We Stand

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❝When you're in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, 'Damn, that was fun'.❞

—Groucho Marx

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


Yoongi and I get dressed, and after a few minutes, we head towards the bedroom door. He grabs my hand and begins to lead me out to the others, when he grabs the door handle I freeze.

"Baby? What's wrong?", he asks as he turns to me.

"They're gonna laugh at me.", I whined and began to pout.

"Aw is my baby girl embarrassed? That's cute!", he mocked as he held my pouty lip.

"Haha. It's so funny. Let's just go.", I said as I swatted his hand away. I was getting rather annoyed. "And stop laughing!", I demanded as he stood there chuckling under his breath.

"Eh-*cough cough*eh sorry baby.", he says as he halts any further laughter from leaving his throat.

He opens the door and we walk back to the living room hand-in-hand. When we turn into the living room, we see all his friends and Wonho sitting in all different places throughout the large area.

 When we turn into the living room, we see all his friends and Wonho sitting in all different places throughout the large area

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[living room looks something like this. also imagine this is at night.]

When we enter the room there's an awkward silence. The one to break the silence first is the one named Taehyung.

"So...Daddy huh?", he says as he waggles his eyebrows up and down twice. I start to blush.

"Yeah, but it's hyung to you.", Yoongi retorts sternly. I am as red as a tomato now. "I mean did he really have to answer him? Ahh fuck my life!", I think to myself.

"But you're not here to pick on my girlfriend.", he says in a calm yet stern voice. "Oh my god he just called me his girlfriend!", I thought as a smirk started to creep onto my lips. I snap out of it as he continues, "You're here...because Shownu really crossed the line this time. It's one thing sending someone after me, but it's another when he sends someone after my friends.", he pauses and takes a deep breath, "Jungkook and Wonho could've been seriously hurt or god forbid they could have died.", he says as his voice cracked slightly near the end.

"We have to do something!", said the one named Seokjin(but I'll just call him Jin) in a saddened tone. You could tell he was on the verge of tears.

"I have to do something. No one else is getting hurt tonight.", Yoongi says as he lets go of my hand and heads towards the elevator.

I reach my hand out and grab his forearm, halting him mid-stride, "No! You can't go out there alone.", I warned as I began to become teary-eyed.

He lets out a sigh and goes to remove my hand, "Y/N...please let go I have to-", he starts to say.

"No...You need your friends! You have to do this together. No one has ever won a war by themselves it takes an army, and you need yours. United you stand, divided you fall.", I say as I look at him in the eyes, trying to get him to understand that going after Shownu alone was stupid.

"She's right hyung. You need us as much as we need you. We're a team. We're friends. We're brothers. And brothers stick together no matter what.", said Jungkook as he walk into the room holding his injured arm.

"Kookie! You should be resting!", I said worriedly.

He scoffs a little, "And miss all the fun? I think not. Besides I can't leave my hyungs hanging", he says with a smirk on his face.

"I don't know guys. May-", Yoongi starts to object until he's cut off.

"We're going with you Min Yoongi. And that's final.", Namjoon says sternly as he firmly grasps his hyung's shoulder.

"Yeah boss, you're not gonna get rid of us that easily!", chimes in Wonho.

"Alright...alright! We do this together.", Yoongi finally agrees, a slight laugh leaving his lips.

Yoongi leaves the room for a minute or so, when he comes back he has his gun in his hand. He shoves the weapon into the back of his pants, kisses me, and then turns to his friends, "Now let's go!", he orders.

They all follow him into the elevator, checking their guns as well as making sure they were loaded. Yoongi looks at me as if it's a goodbye and I'm not liking it one bit, "Y/N no matter what happens remember...I love you.", he says calmly, and the doors start to shut.

"I LOVE YOU TOO!", I shout just before the doors shut completely, now I am completely alone.

I don't fully understand Yoongi's world, but I do understand his want and need for vengeance. That being said, I wanted to help, but I don't know how to fight, and the only gun I've ever fired was a paintball gun and I had a horrible aim.

-30 minutes later-

I've been pacing for what feels like hours. I decide to sit down and try to relax, but the second my ass hits the couch I start fidgeting again nervously. I couldn't help it I was a nervous wreck. I was worried, and not just for Yoongi, but for everyone.

More time has passed and the waiting for them to come back is killing me. I need to know that Yoongi is safe and that he and his friends come back alive. I've lost enough people in my life, and I wasn't ready to lose anyone else. All the worrying and pacing had made me tired, so I decided to sit down. I slowly lower myself onto the cushion, the second I hit the couch I lay down. And within a few minutes, I was fast asleep.

12 am

As I was in my slumber, not dreaming about anything, in particular, I kept getting this weird feeling. This feeling was a feeling I'd only ever felt one other time when my ex-boyfriend in high school started stalking me. The only reason he got caught when he did is that I listened to my gut feeling. And right now my gut was telling me that I was being watched and that I needed to wake up.

After having to scream myself awake from inside my dream, my eyes shot open. I slowly sit up as I hold my chest and I try and catch my breath.

I suddenly get that weird feeling again, and my heart drops as I hear someone shift across from me, "Hey doll face!", said a familiar voice. I already know who it is, I timidly turn my head until I see him sitting across from me. Fucking shit! This is so not good!, I think to myself.

"It's good to see you again.", says the familiar voice. And he gets up and walks towards me. "OH GOD NO?'', I say to myself.

End of chapter 15.

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