16.Divided We Fall

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❝I like to have powerful enemies. Makes me feel important.❞

—Leigh Bardugo

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Midnight: The Serpent's territory.

Yoongi's POV

As the boys and I were fighting some Serpents, something felt off.

"Hyung! What's wrong?", asks Jungkook as he leans against a brick wall, peeking every now and again to make sure the coast is clear.

"I don't know. Something about this just seems...off.", I divulge to everyone.

"I feel it too boss. Something's not right.", chimed in Wonho.

Suddenly Hoseok comes running towards us, he stops when he's in front of me, "Something's wrong! Something's wrong!", he panicked.

"Breathe...now what's wrong?", I ask soothingly.

"There's no one here!", he blurts out.

"Oh god this is a trap isn't it?", asked Jin. But before we can say anything he adds, "See I knew something was wrong, they were barely fighting us.".

I was about to suggest we double-check and then leave before things got too dicey when my phone vibrates inside my jacket pocket. I slip my hand inside and pull it out of my pocket. I see that I have one new message from an unknown number, I tap the message and it opens up;

She sure is something, isn't she?
*image of Y/N sleeping*

I clench my phone tightly, as I was about to put my phone back in my pocket and get into the car, another message comes through;

You better hurry loverboy
Before I have my way with her

"I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL HIM! THAT FUCKER!!", I roared as I pried the car door open.

"What's happening?!", Jimin shouted.

"He's in my fucking house.", I growled. I got into the driver's seat and was about to drive off when they all hop in too. "The hell are you doing? Get out!", I demanded.

"No! We're coming with you, and if that bastard touches her he's a dead man.", Wonho said as he and the others closed the passenger doors. I nod and peel out, trying to get home as fast as possible.

"I'm coming baby! Just hold on.", I say out loud.

Meanwhile back at the penthouse.


He starts walking towards me, I shoot up off the couch and make a b-line to the elevator. Suddenly I feel a pair of hands push against my shoulders, halting me from moving.

"Bring her to me.", the voice commands.

I start to wiggle and thrash around trying to get out of the other man's grip. But it doesn't work, he hands me to the other man.

"Hey doll face. Long time no see!", he says as a smirk creeps onto his lips.

"Shownu?!", I said nervously. He then grabs my wrists in one of his hands and pins me to the wall. He starts to touch my face with his fingers, starting at my cheekbone and down to my neck. "S-Stop! Don't touch me!", I yell as I thrash around and kick him in the shin.

"You better be a good little slut. Unless you want my friend Kris over there to hurt you.", he says as he shifts his body so I can see the man he came with. "He's still mad that you tazed him. Let's just say he doesn't forgive easily.", he adds.

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