9.My Babygirl

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❝your hand
touching mine.
this is how

—Sanober Khan

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

2 pm at the penthouse

Yoongi's POV

I start to slowly open my eyes, as my vision clears I see Y/N fast asleep in my arms. She looks so beautiful and innocent. As I look at her I remember what we did this morning, and I feel weird, not a bad weird nor a good weird, just plain weird in general. I took her virginity. And I don't know if she ever wanted to have sex with me in the first place, or if she only did it because she was scared. And now I can't help but feel guilty.

I snap back to reality and start to get out of bed until I feel myself being pulled back down.

"Don't go.", she slightly whines, which was adorable. Damn, why does she make me feel this way?

"Okay I won't.", I said as wrapped my arms around her again.

"Do you have to work today?", she looks up at me and asks with puppy dog eyes.

"Well I'm the boss, I work when I want.", I answered.

"Well do you want to?", she asks me sleepily.

"No. I'd much rather spend the day with you baby girl!", I state as I lightly tap her nose with my index finger.

She lightly giggles, "Okay!", she beams. "Yoongi, are you hungry?", she asks.

"Mhmm", I hummed.

She hops up out of the bed, puts on my shirt and slips her panties back on, and wanders towards the kitchen.

I sluggishly get out of bed and put on a pair of sweats. I grabbed a T-shirt and head towards the kitchen.

As I head into the kitchen I pull the shirt over my head. I lean up against the island counter and watch Y/N as she's whipping us up some food.

"What're you making?", I ask.

"Ramen. It's the only food you have. When's the last time you went grocery shopping?", she inquired.

"Umm...Never.", I admit.

"Wait...seriously?", she questions as she tilts her head and smiles. "I can go and get some", she suggests.

"I don't-", I start to protest until she cuts me off.

"Yoongi?!", she says. How she can voice her distaste with just my name alone, is beyond me.

"Y/N. I told you it's n-", I begin to explain until she cuts my words again.

"It's not safe. I know I know.", she says mockingly. "But if everyone stopped living because things got a little dangerous, or because it wasn't very quote on quote 'safe', the world would stop moving.", she conveys to me.

"I don't want you to get hurt!", I blurt out.

"People get hurt every day, all over the world. I'm not afraid of getting hurt. I'm afraid of dying without ever truly living.", she says plainly. "Here!", she places a bowl in front of me and hands me a fork, "Now eat your ramen!", she instructs as she sits down next to me and starts to eat her food.

For the next few minutes, we sit in silence while we eat our food, the only sound you could hear was the slurping of noodles. When we'd finished, she took the bowls and put them in the sink. When she turned around, I decided to break the silence.

"Y/N, can I ask you something?", I ask.

"Sure", she replies.

"Was I really your first?", I question boldly.

She looks up at me with a shocked look on her face, most likely from my boldness. "Yes, you were. Why?", she answers.

"It's just I've never...I've never-", I start to explain.

"Taken someone's virginity?", she says, finishing my sentence for me.

"Yeah. And I just wanted to...to know", I struggle to say, I don't know why I'm having such a hard time speaking right now.

"You know Yoongi, you don't have to be afraid to talk to me. I don't bite.", she explains with a slight giggle. "So what did you want to know?", she asks bluntly.

I took a deep breath and then said, "I wanted to know, you didn't feel pressured by me did you?", I finally ask, I then continue, "I know that I can be a little demanding sometimes, and I know you're scared of me-", she cuts me off and says something I didn't expect her to.

"I'm not afraid of you, Yoongi. I never was.", she admits. I look at her and can't help but be surprised. She then went on to answer my question, "And to answer your question; No I didn't feel pressured by you. I wanted you just as much as you wanted me.".

I can't help but smile when she says that. I don't know what it is about Y/N, but she makes me feel things that I've never felt before. And I don't think I've ever wanted someone as much as I want her.

"What?", she awkwardly giggles, "why are you looking at me like that?", she asks as she begins to blush.

I hop off of the stool and walk towards her. Once I'm in front of her, I lean in and whisper in her ear, "It's just that I've never wanted someone as much as I want you. Right here, right now.". I slightly squat down, grab the back of her thighs and pick her up. She then wraps her arms behind my neck and her legs around my waist. I lean in and capture her lips with mine. I lightly suck and bite her bottom lip, and let it slowly out of my grasp. Which earns me a little moan, fuck her moans turn me on so badly. I then leave small pecks that lead from her jaw to her ear, that's when I ask her, "You ready for round two baby girl?".

"Yes", she answers as she leans in and kisses me.

I break the kiss, which makes her whine. I look at her and say, "Yes what?".

She looks at me and she knows what I want her to say, "Yes...daddy", she purrs.

"Good girl", I praise as I then attack her neck. She starts to breathe heavier and moans every time I hit her sweet spot. I remove myself from her neck and put her back on the ground. I turn her around so that she's leaning against the counter and I move her hair to the side, and I lean in and say, "you still need to be punished for what you did last night. Y/N was a very naughty girl!".

"How are you gonna punish me daddy?", she asks.

"Like this!", I said as I slapped my right hand against her round ass.

"MMM", she quietly moans. Damn, she wasn't supposed to like it.

"Do you like it when Daddy spanks you?", I ask as I smooth my hand over her ass.

"Yes daddy!", she whimpers.

"Well that's not very much of a punishment now is it baby girl?", I ask.

"No daddy it's not", she whines.

I reach around her waist and slide my right hand into her panties, and firmly grab her left tit with my other hand. I start rubbing her clit mercilessly, "As a punishment, you're not allowed to cum until I tell you to. Do you understand?", I instructed.

"Y-Yes...d-daddy I...understand", she struggles to answer in between moans.

Well, this is gonna be fun.

End of chapter 9.

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