Chapter 22

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Stella's POV

I was running around the Library like a mad dog trying to find this book of prophecies. I knew that the King and Queen wouldn't just leave it lying around. Even if everybody knows that significance of my birth, nobody is suppose to know the specifics apart from a few. This what the very last Seer taught us. Seers appear once every five hundred years, it sonly been two hundred since the last one died and she left specific instructions that nobody was to find out about the future. 

But we live in a world where people are greedy and somehow the myth that one day there would be a prophecy princess and prince who would then have a prophecy child, the silver bloods it came out. Of course not may people know the details due to there only being three books out there.  

One belongs to the Lycans, one belongs to my parents and another is lost.. Nobody knows where it is. So of course they would try and keep it under lock and key- well i'm assuming they would. But you knew know so the shelves are a good place to start.

Sighing i looked around the huge room. This was gonna take ages. 


I dropped down onto the soft leather coach after what seemed like forever of searching. I had looked through nearly every shelve of books and nothing. I felt frustrated, al that work only to find nothing, zero. I groan in frustration. 

Thats when it caught my eye. 

You see the books are in alphabetical author yet somehow a book with the author starting with S ended up in the P section. Now to many people this may look like a coincidence ut i know this royal family. Lucia was telling me the other day that not one book is out of place. The housekeeping spend hours checking that nothing in this huge library is out of place so how come.... 

Walking forward i go ti get the book but instead of popping out it pulls out like a leaver. I jump slightly a door next to me swinging open. oh my god that scared the living jeepers out of me. Slowly i step inside. 

The room inside is plain. There in a tiny book case. Coffee table and coach. Inside the bookcase is only one book. I snatch it out of its placement in the gas smiling like i had won the lottery. 

The prophecies of the super natural. 

It read. I smiled slightly to myself. I plonked myself down on the chair getting comfortable. This was going to take a lot of processing. I was really nervous about what was inside. I mean, how would u feel if somebody saw your whole future in their sleep? Would you be a little disturb? Especially if everyone you have ever known has been lying to you about it. 

Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves, I open the book. 

The prophecy says that the princess of rouges and the prince of were wolves will mate together and produce a child who will fall in love will the Prince of supernatural cretchers. The Princess and the prince will obtain powers that no other werewolf holds once they complete the mating bond their First born child will then also obtain powers. This child will bring together all magical cretchers, many will envy her but most will worship and admire her. She will bring peace among all magical cretchers. This will also be the start of the silver blood line. Where the first born child will obtain a special power that is unique to their personality. It is their sacred duty to protect humans and all who are innocent against evil. They will rule with peace

 I gasp. It was even written in writing who i was to be mated to. I sucked in a breath and then continued onto the next page.

My breath falters. Its about my siblings. But. No, no no no NO! My parents have never breathed a single word of this! But it makes so much sense.... 

This is big. Really really big. 

I doubt even my Parents know of this. 

Absently I touch where my necklace usually hangs at my neck. I haven't been wearing it lately because i didn't want anybody to find out and accuse me, mainly Lucien. 

I understand now why my mum and dad didn't want me out into the world. But still they took away my whole childhood. Im going to make sure that that does not happen to any of my siblings. SO i'm keeping this quiet until i know it will come true .

I had a plan, but like i said... i should of known that life cannot be planned. You find out things, people change and eventually you have to change your plan in order to do whats best for you. 

My little prince hasn't been treating me right. SO i'm going to go to his little party tonight and show him exactly what he is missing. There is no way that i am not going to enjoy this. 

So lets do it. 

Lets shock the island but more importantly, 

My little Lycan. 

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