Second Chance At Love: Chapter 18

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Heres my next chapter guys. :) Sorry its so short. Please vote and comment! And maybe become a fan! It means so much to me. :D It only takes one click to vote!

Chapter 18:

"I'm serious! Everything from when she first smiled at me when I picked her up to when I kissed her goodnight was amazing! We just have this... this... this passion! This connection! I cannot even possibly explain it to you because it is beyond words. It's just magical. I wish you could know how I feel," Ryan said, sucking his strawberry milkshake loudly through his straw.

Cassidy, Ryan and I were sitting in Harmony's a few weeks after the whole inheritance thing, supposedly studying. Although we really weren't learning anything except how whipped Ryan was. Him and Abigail were together now.

"That is fan-tastic, Ryan. We are so happy for you," I told him for what felt like the millionth time. Truthfully I was ready to bop him in the face. It was really just sickening.

Ryan sighed, "Why can't you be happy for me, Mon?" he said, feigning disappointment.

I rolled my eyes.

"Did I not just say how happy I was for you?"

He cleared his throat, "Somebody is jealous," he muttered quietly, then cracked a smile when Cassidy snorted soda through her nose. I gave Cassidy a look.

"Ow..." she said, touching her nose delicately, "That burns."

"You guys," I said, taking a bite of my melting sundae, "I seriously am very happy for both of you that you have found the love of your lives. And I know that it must be wonderful for you both to experience, but as the viewer.... It's the nastiest, sickest shit I have ever had to witness. And it makes me want to weep and then die."

Cassidy set her soda down, "Sweetie," she said, taking my hand from where she was sitting across the table, "You had your chance at love with Taylor, but you gave up that gorgeous hunk of a boy."

I pulled my hand away, "Taylor wasn't love; he was a distraction."

Ryan coughed, "Well that's nice. Is that what I was going to be too?"

"Oh shut up."

"I'm offended. I have been nothing but nice to you and you treat me like a damn dog," he said sniffing.

"Let me tell you two something. Love is a wonderful thing. I know, I have experienced it before. But what you guys have with Carlton and Abigail, that's just nasty. Do what you want with them, but save the snuggling and butterfly kisses and nose rubbing till you're in your room," I told them, "And you, do it in Carlton's room." I finished, pointing at Cassidy.

Cassidy laughed, "Oh you bitter old woman," she said, standing up, "We need to find you a boyfriend. Now pay for my soda you rich bitch, and I'll see you tonight."

Cassidy grabbed her coat and stuck it on before heading out the door.

Ryan grinned at me, "Hi."

"Go away," I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Fine I will. But one day you will realize how much you need me, and then you will treat me with more respect!" And with that he stood up and headed out the door, leaving me with the bill. Something he has repeatedly done since my inheritance.

I paid my bill and walked out the door, pulling my coat tighter around me to keep out the November air. It was very cold and dark outside as I hailed a cab.

When I got back to campus I headed to my dorm building, in a rush to get out of the air. But what I saw standing in front of the door stopped me in my tracks. Or rather whom I saw.

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