Second Chance At Love: Chapter 23

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It's finally here guys!

Chapter 23:

"I cannot believe it is already Christmas time!" Cassidy exclaimed while wrapping presents. She had bought everybody presents already, except for Carlton. She claimed that it had to be 'special'.

"I know it!" I replied, stacking the wrapped presents under our miniature Christmas tree in our room.

"You're going to love my present," Cassidy teased. I chuckled.

Life was good as of now. Ryan and Abigail were doing great; Ryan was being strong for her even though he was hurting. It had been a few weeks since everyone found out. Apparently Abigail had known for a while, but she didn't want people treating her like an invalid. So it was only told to our closet friends, and we all treated her as if she was just as healthy as us.

"I bet I will! You'll probably love mine too!" I told her.

I normally spent Christmas with my family. But this year I decided not to, obviously. All of my friends told their families they were staying put for Christmas this year too. We were all trying something new. We were getting our sleeping bags and camping in the lounge area of our dorm. All of us were going to be there; Cass, Ryan, Mary, Kimi, Carlton, Abigail, and me. We'd spend the night together and then wake up and open our presents. We were all looking forward to it.


"Hello?" Ryan asked, knocking on our open dorm room door.

"Hey, I thought you were spending the day with Abigail today?" I replied, getting up from the floor where I was wrapping the last few presents.

"Yeah, she canceled. Said that she needed to break the 'I'm not having Christmas with the family' news to her parents face-to-face."

"Oh that sucks. For her and you." Cassidy said, not looking up from her gift-wrapping.

"Thanks," Ryan said sarcastically.

"So what's up?" I asked.

He chuckled, "You'll see."

"Ohhkayyy," I said, looking at him weirdly. He was carrying a duffel bag.

Cassidy gave him a weird look.

"I don't trust that boy at all," she said, glaring at him, "Monica, why'd you have to pick him as your best friend?"

I laughed, "He picked me. Remember? He knocked me over."

"Ha Ha Ha! Very funny," Ryan said. He zipped open his duffel bag and started pulling random stuff out.

"What is all that crap?" Cassidy asked him. I looked up to see him setting stuff up.

"You know what? You should be nicer to me. I'm here doing you a favor," Ryan said.

"Oh really?" Cassidy asked him, "What's that?"

"I'm fixing the whole in your wall!"

"That's not a favor to us! You're the one who caused the damn hole!" she sneered.

"Yeah? Well that doesn't mean I had to fix it!" he argued.

"Really? I would've made you!"

"How would you have done that?" he demanded. They were now chest-to-chest.

"Oh believe me, Chubby, I would've done it!"

"I'm not chubby!" he yelled.

"Guys!" I yelled at them. They both stopped yelling at each other and looked at me.

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