Second Chance At Love: Chapter 27

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Guys heres the new chapter! Aren't you proud of me for uploading soo quickly? You should be! I realllyyyy like this chapter, cuz it just shows how much she cares about Marina. It's so cute. Plus someone from the earlier chapters reappears. :D

Anyways, yall know what to do!

Chapter 27:

"I have to go, Dad. But I'll be back shortly. I just need to get her some things. She has like 3 outfits and a crib and some bottles. It's not going to cut it," I told my dad as I buckled Marina into her car seat.

"Yeah okay, I understand. Do you need some money?" he asked, running his hands through his hair, which was sticking up in every direction.

"No thanks, I have some. But can I suggest you go get showered and cleaned up? You look terrible." I told him, giving him a sympathetic look.

He chuckled, "Yeah, I guess I could use a shower... It's just so hard."

"I know, Dad. While you're at it you should try to get some sleep too. I'll be back in a couple of hours." I picked up Marina's car seat and grabbed her diaper bag.

"Alright, love you Sweetheart. Stay safe."

"Love you too, Dad," I said, kissing his cheek as I walked towards the door. I stopped at the door to put on my coat and to tuck a blanket around Marina. It was about 55 degrees outside, which was chilly, but nothing compared to New York. Of course Marina didn't know that.

I headed to a strip mall nearby that I used to always shop at, as I recall it had some baby stores.

I opened the door to A Children's Place, and headed inside; feeling a little bit out of place considering I've never shopped for a baby before. But oh well, I'll get used to it.

There were rows and rows of stuff, and I didn't know where to start. I also needed a dress for Marina to wear to Carleigha's funeral, which was in the morning. I had Marina's diaper bag across my chest, and her car seat on one arm, so I grabbed a basket for the other arm.

"What am I getting myself into," I muttered, "I could've at least picked a store that has carts."

I found the newborn section and started looking through the clothes. I picked out a bunch of things I thought she'd need: onesies, sleepers, dresses and tights, pants, shirts, socks, everything you could think of. I found the cutest plaid pea coat for her, so I threw it in the basket. Along with blankets and little shoes, and lots of shirts and pants outfits.

"This should be good," I said, half talking to myself, half to the sleeping baby. She was so good. She rarely cried, although she did get me up in the night to feed her. But I didn't expect any less.

I headed to the checkout, setting my basket up on the counter. The woman at the cash register, Brenda; or so her nametag says, looked a little shocked at the amount of stuff I was buying, but pleased nevertheless.

"Wow," she said, "That's a lot of stuff." She grabbed the first thing and started ringing it up.

"What can I say? Nobody bought anything for her when she was born," I joked sarcastically.

'Brenda' gave me a sympathetic look.

The total came to a hefty price, but I handed her my credit card without hesitation. I was just ready to get to a store where I didn't have to carry her car seat the whole time.

"There you go," Brenda said, handing me my humongous bag and my receipt.

"Thanks, you have a great day," I replied. She smiled and I headed to my car. Well, my dad's car.

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