Second Chance At Love: Chapter 22

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Alrighty guys. Here is the next chapta! Sorry that its been focusing on Ryan and Abigail. It'll be more on Monica soon. :) Hope you guys like it! Please comment, vote, and fan. :)Please atleast vote! It only takes one click!

Chapter 22:

People talk about points in their lives where time has just frozen for them. They'll be going along in their lives just fine when something shocking happens. Something life changing occurs or someone tells you something that makes everything different. Then BAM! Time freezes. You have no idea how much time has really passed, or what's going on in the real world, but it doesn't matter to you. It doesn't matter to you because you're stuck in your own time. A time where something is so life altering that you physically cannot get back up to keep moving. A time where you just sit there thinking this cannot possibly be true. A time where you don't notice all the other people continuing on their paths, who are oblivious to the emotional and physical pain you are going through.

I never much believed this when people talked about it. I thought it was all a big hoax. Up to the day where I finally admitted to myself that my mother was dead and my best friend had done it. Then I hit my own frozen time. Nothing else in the world mattered to me. Everything that my mind could comprehend seemed pointless and juvenile in comparison to what had happened. This revelation opened my eyes. It shook off the naïve and protective coat I had on. It made me grasp that there were so many problems in the world that were suffocating mine.

Sitting next to Ryan as he had his own time freeze made me realize that for a first, I could actually relate and understand what my friend was going through. He was going through what I had gone through. His eyes would also be opened and shown the revelation that I had undergone. Yes, I wish that I could spare him the pain, because I knew that I never wanted another human to have to go through what I did. But I couldn't protect my friends from what was destined to happen. All I could do was hold their hand and walk side by side with them through it. And that was enough.

Ryan sat on my bed, frozen and oblivious as I sat next to him holding his hand. His eyes were glazed over, as if he wasn't really with me. I don't know how long we sat there not saying anything, me watching Ryan, and Ryan fixed on a faraway place. It might have been 20 minutes; it might have been 2 hours. Something in my mind was shouting 2 hours. After not saying anything for the longest time, Ryan suddenly shook, bringing him out of his time freeze.

"What did you say?" he asked me calmly as if we had just a few moments ago had the conversation where I had told him his girlfriend was dying.

I looked at him curiously, taking in his calm, serene face. My mind couldn't grasp how he was suddenly so okay about this all.

"Do I need to repeat it?" I asked him.

And that's when it clicked. Something in his mind told him that what I had said was true; and that I wasn't beating around the bush. His eyes turned mean, his face showed how furious he was as he jumped off my bed screaming.

"WHAT THE HELL?!?" he screamed, spinning around, I guess looking for something to pummel.

"HOW CAN THIS BE HAPPENING??" he screamed as he grabbed a vase off of Cassidy's dresser and threw it against the wall with a force I wasn't aware he had. Someone wasn't going to be too happy about that when she finds out. Although I couldn't make myself tell him to stop, as I remembered a time where I got relief from doing the same thing.

I was brought back to reality as I heard the shattering of Cassidy's loved vase. Thousands of little pieces of crystal glass rained on the floor as I ducked and covered, blocking my eyes from the glass shards. I was hoping Ryan was doing the same thing, but I highly doubted it.

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