Second Chance At Love: Epilogue

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Well guys. Here it is. The epilogue of Second Chance At Love.

It's kind of sad knowing it's over. I mean, Damon and Monica are together now, and they're getting married. It's big.

Anyway, I can't be too sad because I'm doing a sequel! :) So just more Damon and Monica! And Marina! I love Damon with Marina. :) He's so adorable and sweet and he makes a perfect dad.

Okay, so I'll let you get to the epilogue. Hope you guys like it!


I watched in pride and joy as my just-turned-2 year old daughter walked down the aisle holding hands with Damon's 8 year old cousin.

She was my flower girl for my wedding, and she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

Her incredibly long black hair flowed down her back in their natural curls. She had a little tiara on her head, and was wearing a long, white poofy dress, very much to her liking.

I laughed to myself as she got distracted by a flower petal she had tossed and stooped to look at it. The ring bearer tugged her along so they would actually make it down the aisle.

My stomach did flops inside me as she almost reached the altar and the music started playing, signaling me to start walking. I tucked my nervousness in order and stepped through the archway as my dad took my arm.

All the guests were watching me as I walked down the aisle, smiling but feeling sick at the same time. I was so nervous I could puke.

I saw my beautiful fiancé, soon-to-be-husband, standing at the altar. His breathtaking smile pushed all my nervousness away as I looked at the love of my life. We had been together for 2 years now, but it seems like it was just yesterday.

Cassidy stood her spot as the maid of honor, smiling at me in the beautiful blue dress we had picked out for the bridesmaids to wear. Mary, Kimi, and Abigail all stood behind her, as they were my bridesmaids too.

Marina took her place next to Cassidy, who then took her hand. It looked cute, but we all knew it was to keep her there. Marina spent every moment making up for being a quiet infant. I had always known it couldn't of been that easy. She now spent every second racing around getting herself into trouble.

Tony winked at me from his place. He was Damon's best friend, but I always thought of him as one of mine too. Ryan stood next to Tony, because him and Damon had hit it off one summer when he visited. Ryan grinned at me and I smiled back. I still had never told Damon that Ryan and I went out once. But now was not the time to be thinking of that.

I could feel my heart pounding in excitement as I neared the altar.

When I finally got to the steps up the altar, my dad turned me so I was facing him. I could tell that he was trying not to cry.

He grabbed my veil and flipped it over my head.

"I love you, Sweetheart," he told me, kissing my head.

"I love you, Dad."

He then walked me over and handed me to Damon who pulled me into his arms, up against him, even though the minister told him not to do that when he tried it in rehearsal the night before. I almost laughed when the minister rolled his eyes.

"Dearly beloved," the minister started. Damon pulled us apart, but intertwined our fingers and we faced the minister.

I felt like I was floating on clouds as the vows were said. I vaguely remember them; all I could focus on was Damon's face as he smiled at me. I remember saying 'I do' and then the minister told Damon he could kiss me. Next thing I knew I was swept into Damon's arms and he was kissing me.

He was kissing me so passionately I could feel my head spinning. I had to remind myself that we were in front of hundreds of people and that I couldn't take him right there.

Damon pulled away, both of us breathless, and everyone started clapping.

"I'm proud to introduce, Mr. and Mrs. Valentine!"

I could feel myself smiling as Damon pulled me into his arms and we started walking down the aisle together. Cassidy was going to be bringing Marina, and all my attention was on Damon, my beautiful husband.

I knew that we were in it for good. And we could easily face anything that life threw our way.

Or so I thought.


SOOOO??? Did you guys like it?

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Watch out for the sequel coming up soon!


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