Second Chance At Love: Chapter 9

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Alright guys... I know youve had problems with this before, but i think i fixed it :)

Chapter 9:

When I opened my eyes the next morning, I was staring straight at Taylor's chest. I could tell by his even breathing that he was still asleep, so I just laid there thinking. I felt incredibly guilty. I could not believe I had slept with Taylor. I really did not have feelings for him. Well nothing in comparison to what I felt for Damon. The feelings I had for Damon were huge. I cannot believe I had never realized my true feelings for him before. But I knew that it didn't matter how much I cared for him. My hatred was more. I was so angry with Damon for killing my mother. So angry there were times I couldn't see straight when I was thinking about him. But even throughout all of that anger, I missed him. Really missed him. And that's why I still had a picture of him and me in my wallet. I wasn't ready to let go, but of course eventually I had to.

I had been thinking for a while when Taylor yawned and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer.

"Hey Baby," he whispered into my ear.

"Hey," I said quietly, a little stiff in his arms.

He sat up and looked at me.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I said, looking away from him.

I pulled the sheet around me and climbed out of bed. I held it close to cover my body.

As I was heading to the bathroom, I felt Taylor grab my arms and spin me around.

He looked me straight in the eyes.

"Don't do this, Monica," he said so quietly I could hardly hear.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't shut me out Monica, just because you slept with me. This doesn't change anything..."

"Are you f***in kidding me right now?" I screamed in his face. He flinched.

"It changes everything! I love Damon! But I slept with you! Don't you think there is something wrong with that?" I continued to yell.

Taylor grabbed me roughly and slammed me against his body, crashing his lips to mine. The sheet had fallen off in the commotion, and I stood there n*ked, unresponsive to Taylor's lips moving passionately on mine. After a minute though, I forgot everything and started to kiss him back. Even though the guilt was overwhelming, and knew that I was using Taylor, I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. I knew that my feelings for Taylor were small, and that they weren't going to grow, but it felt so good to have someone treating me like I was special. Someone who loved me and who was there for me. Someone who could make love to me, and make me feel amazing. But he wasn't what I wanted and I knew it. But couldn't I just have it for a little bit?

My fingers went up Taylor's neck and tangled into his soft blonde hair. He smelled so good...

Taylor held me to himself tighter. My bare chest was pressed tightly against his chest. No space left between us. My fingers left his hair and ran down his chest, continuing down until I softly ran down the length of his m*nhood. My nails skimming it lightly. Taylor moaned in my mouth, which totally turned me on. I grabbed it gently and started pumping it up and down. He moaned more and started arching himself more into my hand. I stopped kissing his lips and kissed down his jaw. I figured hey, he gave me pleasure last night. Might as well do the same for him. I continued playing with what was now his er*ction, while kissing lower and lower down his body. I grabbed his n*pple between my teeth and licked and sucked on. I knew he was enjoying it by the sounds of his groans. I kept kissing and I got to his m*nhood, where I licked up the shaft once.

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