Second Chance At Love: Chapter 24

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Hey guys, sorry it's been so long since I uploaded. I want to try to upload more often, but its really hard. Thanks for reading.

Chapter 24:

I took a piece of paper out from my desk and pulled out a pen. I was writing to Carleigha. Telling her that I forgive her, and that I would be home to visit them as soon as I could.

I addressed the letter, and then sat there thinking about what I could say. I finally started, and then it wasn't hard to write it.

Dear Carleigha,

Yes, I forgive you for everything. And I'm so sorry for everything I've done. Especially blurting out that you were pregnant to Dad. That was so immature and I'm really sorry.

Thank-you so much for writing me, and for the gift you sent me. It's beautiful and I love it so much!

I especially like the picture you sent me of my niece! I am so excited for you and I cannot wait to meet Baby Marina! I have a feeling it's a girl.

She's going to be absolutely precious and I look forward to you having her! Your going to make a wonderful mother, you should know that.

How is Dad doing? Please tell him that I forgive him and thank-you for the presents. Also tell him that I'll be calling him soon to talk things out.

How are you Carleigha? I was so mad at you guys, but now I want to see you more than anything.

Life here is good. College life is fun. I've been really busy, but I also have some time to hang out with my amazing friends I've made! They really are great; you would love them. You've already met Cassidy. I hope you'll be able to meet the rest sometime soon. J

I really have to go, but thanks again for everything. I'll talk to you soon!

Love, Monica.

I folded the letter and tucked it into the addressed envelope, licking it and shutting the flap.

"What are you doing?" Cassidy asked me, walking into the room.

"I'm writing a letter to Carleigha," I told her, grabbing my coat and slipping my shoes on, "I'm going to go mail it. Want to come?"

"Sure," she said, grabbing her purse she just set down and following me out the door.

"I thought you were mad at her," she said to me as we walked down the hallway.

"Yeah, I'm over that. She apologized for everything."

"That's good. Ugh I don't want to start school back next week!" Cassidy said, groaning.

"Me neither! I'm not looking forward to it at all!" I complained.

After I mailed my letter Cassidy and I decided to go shopping. We shopped for a while before we decided to stop for lunch.

"You know," I said, jamming a fry into my mouth, "We have six days left of vacation."

"Mhmm," Cassidy replied. She was sucking down a milkshake.

"I could make it to Arizona and back by then," I said thoughtfully.

"Wow, you want to fly to Arizona to see your family?" Cassidy asked, completely paying attention now.

"Yeah, I'm thinking about it."

"Are you sure you want to do this, Monica?" she asked me.

"No. That's why I said I'm thinking about it."

"Alright Alright. You do what you want," Cassidy replied, going back to her milkshake.

"Would you like to come?" I asked hopefully.

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