Second Chance At Love: Chapter 15

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Hey Guys,

I'm sorry its been awhile since I've posted. Been really busy with classes. What I wrote is really short, but it's just for you guys to read until I have more up. I'm writing more right now so it should be up by tonight.


Chapter 15:

If you don't get your fat ass over here in the next five minutes we're going to miss our flight!" Cassidy yelled at me from the door. She was standing there with her suitcase and carry-on bag in hand, tapping her foot at me disapprovingly. She was mad because I decided to start packing ten minutes before we were supposed to go, she had started as soon as she booked the flights.

"Geez, chill out," I said, throwing more stuff into my suitcase before zipping it closed, "It doesn't take that long to get to the airport, so stop rushing me."

"I'll kill you if we miss our flight." She said, glaring at me, "You don't know how important this is to me."

I looked at her incredulously, "Are you serious? MY dead aunt!"

"Oh whatever, not like you actually care."

I stared daggers at her as I finished my packing and grabbed my bags.

"I don't even know why I'm letting your bitchy self go with me." I said.

"Because I paid for your flight, now lets go!"

I followed her down to the cab, which was taking us to the airport; we threw our stuff into the trunk and climbed in the back.

"Whew!" Cassidy said, laying her head back and closing her eyes, "We're on our way!"

I chuckled. She really is a pain in the ass.

When we pulled up to the airport we hurried to get our bags and rushed inside. Not because we were late, but because Cassidy was causing such a scene that I listened to her to keep from being publicly humiliated.

When we were sitting at out gate waiting to board I dared to take a breather. Cassidy was jumping up and down in her seat, not able to keep still.

"I'm so excited! So so excited!"

"Haven't you ever traveled before? I mean seriously, your parents are rich, didn't they like take you to other countries and stuff?"

She looked sad as she answered, "My parents never had time to do anything with me. They just bought me stuff."

"Oh I'm sorry," I said, patting her hand, "I had no idea."

She smiled at me.

We didn't say much else until it was time to board our flight; we grabbed our carry-ons and showed the attendant our tickets before heading through the tunnel onto the plane.

"I got us seats together," Cassidy said as we started looking for our row, in first class of course.

"I call the seat by the window!" I said.

"I'm good with that," Cassidy said, "I'm afraid of heights."

We sat in our seats, waiting for take off. Cassidy made me shut the shudder on the window during take off. But after we were in the air and the seat belt sign was off I pulled it back open.

"Ahh!" Cassidy screamed as she looked out the window. The flight attendant shushed her.

I giggled.


"Shut up," Cassidy replied, glaring at me. Seems like we've been doing a lot of that.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom, considering you wouldn't stop to let me go in the airport." I got up and headed for the bathroom. As I was coming out I smacked my hand into one of the seats, tearing my bracelet off.

"Damnit!" I said, leaning over for it.

"Here," a man said who was walking towards the bathroom. He picked it up and then stood up to give it to me.

"Thanks," I said, looking up at him, "Oh my God!"

"Monica," he said with a pained look on his face.

"Hi Taylor," I said, biting my bottom lip.

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