Second Chance At Love: Chapter 29

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You guys should be happy im posting the next chapter so fast! Im working hard trying to finish this book.

Chapter 29:

Chapter 29:

Damon and I skipped the gravesite service and went for a walk. We held hands and walked all the trails and paths we use to as kids and teenagers. It honestly felt good just to be with him, even though neither of us said anything most the time.

I could feel Damon rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb. I sighed, wishing it could always be like this. I loved this boy, and even him holding my hand took my breath away. We walked along in the chilly winter air, as it was getting colder the later it got. Damon gave me his suit jacket before we got out of the car, and I could smell him on it.

It was getting dark when I stopped, bringing Damon to a halt.

He gave me an inquiring look and I sighed.

"Will you come to the cemetery with me?" I asked him.

He nodded but didn't say anything as he pulled me back to his car.

The car ride was silent, neither of us saying anything the whole trip. I looked out the window as he drove, and I could hear him drumming his hands on the steering wheel to the beat of an overplayed song on the radio. I pulled Damon's jacket tighter around me and ran my hand through my tangly, unruly waves. I felt weird, bringing Damon to the cemetery. Because not only were we going to see my sister, we were going to see my mom.

"Are you okay?" Damon asked suddenly, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I jumped a little, but settled down when Damon set his hand on my bare knee.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks."

The atmosphere had kind of taken a turn for the worst, and we were suddenly filled with an awkward silence. But I tried to ignore that.

"I'm really sorry for some of the things I've said to you," I said, still looking out the window; not wanting to see his eyes.

"You don't owe me an apology. They were totally justified."

I shook my head, putting my hand over his on me knee, and putting my fingers in between his.

"That's not true. You didn't deserve any of that, and I'm sorry."

He smiled sweetly at me, "Thanks, Monica."

He parked across from the cemetery and climbed out. By the time I got out he was over on my side holding the door for me. He shut it behind me and took my hand.

We slowly walked into the cemetery. My body started to tremble even though I wasn't scared or cold.

"Hey," Damon said, looking concerned that I was trembling. He pulled me to him, putting his arm over my shoulder so that I was tucked into his side, "It's alright."

"I don't know what I'm doing," I suddenly said, coming to a stop.

Damon looked at me, staring deeply into my eyes. I looked up at his beautiful blue eyes, his eyebrows knit together in concern.

He moved over so he was in front of me, his hands on my shoulders.

"Tell me what's wrong?" he said, his hands rubbing up and down my arms comfortingly.

I shook my head slowly, "I don't know what I'm doing with my life, Damon."

He looked a little frightened at my crisis.

"What are you talking about?" he asked me slowly.

I was playing with the buttons of his shirt while I was thinking.

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