The One With the Bionic Rebellion (again)

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Zadie's POV:

My head was pounding which caused me to wake up from my...nap? Well, this can't be good. I looked around and saw that my feet were already submerged. Then, I realized that I was in Chase's capsule and water was beginning to flood in. Yeah, this is definitely not good. 

"Uh, Chase?" I called out. Did I miss something? "Delta? Bree? Leo? Adam?" I began to panic. Something I don't tell many people is that I can't stand being closed in, especially with water. These are two of my nightmares coming true. "Mr. Davenport? Perry? Spin? Bob? Anybody?!" 

The water continued to pour in and was not up to my calves. Someone better come get me out of this, and fast. 

-The Main Area-

Third Person's POV:

"What are we gonna do? We have to save Mr. Davenport." Bree turned to her brothers.

"And Perry." Adam reminded. 

"Absolutely...time permitting." Chase told him. 

"And Zadie. Wherever she is." Bree added. 

"You know what? I'll save you the trip. You can say goodbye to all three of them from here." Sebastian turned to the screen, pulling up a video of Perry and Davenport.

"Look! It's the mechanical people." Perry pointed out. 

"Yes, we're saved."

"Not exactly." I might not be able to see his face, but that was Sebastian's smug voice. 

"Sebastian." Davenport angrily breathed. 

"He blew up the hydra-loop tunnel and cut off your oxygen supply." Chase informed. 

"So bad news, we're gonna need a new hydra-loop."

"Adam." Bree lightly scolded. 

"Well, I can't tell him we're gonna need a new father too. That'd be rude."

Davenport's eyes went wide, "Look, will somebody please tell me what's going on?"

"Sebastian knows about Krane and he's trying to start a rebellion with the rest of the students." Bree answered.

"What? How does he know about Krane?"

Both Adam and Bree were quick to look to Chase. "I might have told him." He looked back to Sebastian. "Only because I thought we were friends."

Perry got close to the camera, "See, there's you first mistake. Who'd wanna be your friend?" 

"Chase has been very helpful, and once my brothers and sisters hear what really happened to our father, they'll join me. Then...we can fulfill his dreams of bionic humans ruling the world."

-The Training Area-

Delta's POV:

We saw everything play out. Sebastian is a traitor? And Lexi and Tank joined with him? You know, I never was the biggest fan of Tank. I don't know, he just gave off a weird vibe. "Guys don't let him near the other students. They're not ready to know about Krane yet. They won't understand why we had to destroy their creator."

Leo and I looked around, nervously as the students turned to us. "Did you two know about this?" Spin demanded. 

"I didn't-" Leo started. 

"Well, it was actually more like-" I started, not knowing how to continue. 

"I mean they just-" Leo stuttered. 

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